Why do church workers and evangelists say to ask Jesus into our lives? To me this seems a very advanced concept not necessarily available to all. He did say if we hear Him knocking and hear His voice at the 'door' to open the door to Him. John heard Him say this in his vision from Jesus recorded in Revelation. I reckon it is addressed to advanced believers who can recognise this visitation of Jesus to them though. Why do people give it as counsel to absolute beginners in Christ though? Was it just Billy Graham who started this way of advising new believers. He came to the UK in the 50s and maybe people picked it up from his visit as counsel to advise to me in the mid or late sixties when I first responded to someone teaching me about the story from Jesus of the rich man and Lazarus the begger. I was told to ask the Lord Jesus into my heart which I did do but was it the best advice to give me at a young age? Not advice to reform my life for God in keeping with the teaching of Jesus I had believed and keep the faith I had gained (not that I would have understood that). I was worried I might go where the rich man went. I know now to look out for people like that beggar outside my house and be kind to them frequently when I can and as I wish to do freely for God's sake in Jesus' name by faith in Jesus and His teaching. Then Jesus does visit and enter my life and show that He is truth and resurrection life making these available to me and I receive truth of Him dying for me and the Spirit sent by God who brings me truth too and makes me hate lies and lying and favour truthfully testifying to co-operate with Him and allow Him to co-operate with me because of this truthfulness. This is reform in faith in Jesus in the will of God and people should counsel new believers in this Way.