
Friday, 30 October 2015

Hope of All the Nations

Jesus Christ was / is anointed and anointings are by nature over the normal nature as a thin layer but in this case not oil, rather spirit, The Spirit from God. His anointing marks Him as chosen by the anointer - in this case God. As such He is the hope of all the nations - of all of us. Soon to reign as king in a reign we all hope for and revere. He has done all of God's will in suffering crucifixion and death so God could raise Him to immortal life from His mortal conceived life: making Jesus Christ the Resurrection. His nature is not just human made immortal, which is awesome in itself, but The Lord by nature too as He came from such glory with God before His birth around 6BC to 1BC. That glory He had with God before they made the Universe together. 

He was seen as Lord and Resurrection and God's Anointed by Apostle Paul (around 25AD to 35AD at a guess). He was at that time seen by the sight of His immense intense glory as light coming from above the clouds that can blind the eyes. Since then others saw Him such as Apostle John who saw 'one like a Son of Man' similar to what Prophet Daniel saw hundreds of years BC. He does have body and apparently still flesh and blood despite being made suitable for 'heaven' to sit by God and rule angels, again like before He came - as was witnessed by Prophet / King Enoch around 3000BC (and recorded on ancient tablets now translated to English and other languages). 

His coming to take His throne will be like lightning from end to end of the Earth's atmosphere and so many know of this and look for it in hope.