
Sunday, 31 January 2016

Deep Cleaning

In Jesus' teaching it seems He was leading us to a deeper understanding of Old Testament commands than you get just by reading them and obedience to their spiritual meaning. but not going as far as He allowed Paul to eventaully take it once there was a church. I get the understanding that church is key - being part in truth of a body of Christ united with Christ puts onto us a whole new requirement to be holy and remove the worldly part of ourselves. But we have to get there first - to be united with Christ and part of His body. We have to not just be in church but be so in truth - for it to be truth that we are part of the body of Christ Himself. To get there takes basic cleansing. The focus on Christ's commands gets us there and keeps us there once there. Here is where we learn Christ's truthful testimony about Old Testament commands He brings into the New Testament. Here is where we enter the New Testament whether from the Israel Old Testament side or the Gentile side - He is gateway for both groups although Paul took His teachings to Gentiles yet with Christ's commands included. So the initial induction into Christ and staying in Christ is the first washing or as Christ put it to Peter - having a bath. Then truth sets in. Then body of Christ becomes a reality in our own lives.   At this point a new dimension opens to us - there are others in this body and this brings a new possibility (and duty) for holiness to go deeper. Deep cleaning. Cleaning where the bath could not reach because it needs others to reach our feet. Here is what Jesus meant - you will not understand this now but later you will understand. Foot washing by each other. Another person can make us holier and deeper in obedience than we can make ourselves. Peter and brothers would 'get it' once they were in the church. After the Spirit came perhaps. Much of the commands of the epistles is this new deeper level of cleansing. For it we need eachother. Praise God for the Body of Christ.