
Saturday, 9 January 2016

In Him All Things Hold Together

I would say the sense many have of divinity in everything is at least partly true when it comes to it all being sustained by divinity but I would reserve something about God as always other than nature. Nature is sustained by power of God invested in the Name of Lord Jesus Christ the Son of Man. There is a divine entity called The Oath. We all want certainty that seasons will come at a predictable time so the work of farming is reliable. This regularity needs a caring side of God and a faithful commitment on God's part for us to not be overwhelmed with worry. It has to be that the Universe has non-human equivalents of this too. It all needs order because it survives by order. So there is something about God that He manages this and ensures it to allow life to be sustained. Essentially He is a Saviour. He cares about His creations. This extends everywhere in the Universe - His name. The underwriting at a cosmic level must exist. It seems to be there is an underlying Oath of God keeping it all going reliably and lovingly and faithfully. This is embodied in Jesus Christ's Name as Lord over it all. His rule at God's right hand is more than just the Throne of His human ancestor regarding the flesh - King David - it is Lord over Nature and Universe. Yet needless to say humans are not always faithful like God is faithful.