
Wednesday, 13 January 2016

How to Become Children of God

When a person hears the word of the gospel such that the power of the message of Christ having died for them and the glory of God in Christ is in their innermost mind, the immediate effect is an initial washing of their attitude towards the right way of God and acceptance that God is true so they should also be true and let God be at work in them. This is like having a bath. Worse kinds of unworthiness of conduct and attitude are put into retreat as a winning blow is delivered in favour of the truthfulness of God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Faith is rewarded over the life of this person as they believe the testimony of God and of His Son and of His Spirit and the rewards are miraculous signs and visits by the Holy Spirit. A journey has begun and they start to realise the truth as the Lord Jesus gives them knowledge that they are not alone but others too are receiving the gospel even if they are distant and hidden. A journey continues as other disciples are sought and found and as others believe based on this person testifying of what God has done for their soul's salvation. The body of the sum of these people mysteriously united with Christ with baptism into Christ an outward testimony and pledge of allegience. Yet it becomes clear as time goes by and the teachings of Christ start to be learned anew and followed persistently that all is not perfect - unworthiness persists. Now comes stage two of washing after thr stage one bath. The beliebers recognise each other have been born anew in spirit not biology as God in spirit through Christ's word and truth and grace has done the marvelous initial adoption into God's family of the brlievers putting away lies and hatred and receiving the Spirit as a sign of God's acceptance. Yet unworthy behaviour is there in each one. Pray for each other now that God would give life to each true child who has turned from major misconduct like lies but needs cleansing still. This is normal. The truth makes clean the conduct and attitudes but this is over time with prayer involved because feet cannot easily be washed on your own but need others to reach there effectively but others have their own unworthiness so must not be hypocrites presuming to be able to cleanse while they are themselves not cleansed but prayer to God releases life from God to do the washing until the fully clean ones can wash the feet of others who have already had a bath. The need for corporate washing means confession is relevant and helps the recognition that the members of Christ truly adhering to His teachings must wash each others feet and pray for God to give each other life. End result: In time worthy disciples adopted into God's family as permanent members ready for Christ to raise them to never die again when He comes. God only has permanent children. John 8.