
Thursday, 14 January 2016


It baffles me when so many say science is their reason for believing what they believe but they never speak of this planet having been created the way it is and all the life on it including us. Evolution could happen, science tells us, on any suitable planet at any time in the whole Universe during all the time it has been cool enough. Statistics tells us the chances of no life anywhere else in the Universe having evolved, if science has evolution and life origins correct, the chance of no other life is negligible - pretty much zero. The chance of much of that life NOT exceeding our state of advancement is zero - much of it will have achieved what we will achieve in thousands of years or millions of years and will by statistics have achieved it before Earth supported life - just statistics and scientific fact must predict that. The humanities and science and technology tell us our accelerating rate of progress in science and technology over past centuries is pretty much exponential - consider nuclear science growth since the splitting of a uranium atom. Extrapolation using science and statistics would give us huge ability in hundreds of years so we get closer to being able to take our technilogy into the cosmos and terraform and even release energy on unimaginabke scale from physics such as dark energy and dark matter or negative energy physics or effects yet unknown so as to be able to do what people have  struggled to believe a god or gods have done in creating things. The ability by then to turn elements into other elements and make living organisms from their components or from starting chaibs of events parallelling what we consider led to life here. Given millions of years of progress we could do most things we are told God did in making earth. In the time it took from the cooling of the Universe. in current science terms, to the start of Earth being formed, there would be ample time for another or very many other species in the Universe to reach such abilities and much more besides. We are talking billions of years if science is correct. So if people really think science has it right the whole thing adds up to what? By Ocham's razor the most likely should be the preferred theory so it is surely most likely to a believer in science that it adds up to a very high probability Earth and life and us were created. The chance against it is too small. So why do people not add the numbers and get this answer and speak about it all the time. Are people stuck in the thinking from before science gave us all this, incapable of deducing where it is leading?