
Saturday, 4 March 2017

Believe the Truth

Lord Jesus the Christ did not come to make it not matter what we do; He came to make us do what matters. The way Lord Jesus (and now the Spirit sent from God) makes us do what matters (and it so matters what we do) is to first get us believing in this Jesus who is same yesterday and today and forever. The belief has to go on always. The next stage as He makes us do what matters is to tell us or show us what is evil and sinful and command that we stop doing that. The next stage is to tell us we might find we are serving sin and therefore need freeing from doing this and He tells us the way to Him freeing us is by our becoming disciples of Him by holding always forever to His teachings and so finding knowledge of truth that sets us free. The teachings then make us into children of God who are always free from being servants of sin. This is forever as we always hold to His teachings and to the things of Jesus now given by the Spirit sent from God in Jesus' name. The freedom and teachings lead us to truth and doing what the truth requires and this is what matters as the truth is God is love.