I was once working in an office during a run up the a bank holiday when most would be leaving early and onto my desk came a card to sign. It was a wedding card for a dear colleague, a great gifted guy, and the card was in a circulation envelope that said the card had to back with a certain person by 4pm sharp. I guess if it was late they might not get it to the recipient in time before everyone would be away and the card would miss their wedding. It was 4pm. This taught me we are not islands but things need to circulate and be taken notice of and that includes things from God too like commands and prophecies from Him that people need on time. The time is short. When God showed all this to me and told me "Israel has sinned and the sign is the eagle over the house" meaning all His people and the eagle of surveillance, I realised the people need to remember His commands and the important one most of all so I was given resoonsibility to shout it from the mountain top. I realised later this eagle sign would not stop with surveillance but without any repentance would follow to worse and worse things worldwide, wherever the people of God are sinning and not stopping. That message came before me and like the card I must pass it on because the time is short and God is speaking. Jesus Christ is alive and is ever the answer and the Holy Spirit God sends in Jesus' name to reveal the things of Jesus which are the things of God.