
Monday, 13 March 2017

The Anguish on the Cross

"About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”)." Matthew 27:46

When a baby looks for his/her mother and cannot find her usual comforting presense, the baby cries. A righteous adult instead of crying like a baby can use words of the holy psalms to express those same feelings toward God as a baby has towards a mother sometimes even of dismay mingled with love. Jesus is the most righteous adult of all and God gives Him as an example to all (even an example to angels) of how to stay holy and stay right with God even when under extreme stress when that relationship gets pushed to the limit. Like Job, Jesus did not accuse the Father of wrong doing and trusted Him still but did not deny the anguish of the absence of God's usually present comfort and salvation in trouble. Sometimes God has to withold it but always for a righteous reason in love for us all. Jesus has been there and can sympathise now with us. He also shows how the scriptures can be a comfort to us even when other comforts are taken away because there was a sense of someone else having been through the same turmoil giving a sense of company and fellowship that Jesus needed and we need at times, and the scripture He quoted kept Him encouraged not to sin, which it can do for us too.