
Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Gospel Truth

Gospel Truth: It is normal to recoil from being told we are enslaved to sin but the words of Jesus Christ ring true about lying and hating. (See 'The Gospel of John' chapter 8.) As I believe in and seek to follow Jesus I find the Spirit making me stop and meditate on the sacrifice Jesus became on the cross and leading me to renounce what the Spirit of Truth showed me is contrary to God and know that the blood of Jesus means I can leave that sin and stop doing it. God provided the Lamb sacrifice of His Son. God being father and God wants us to wash our own clothes in that blood. He might do the first bit for you when you believe but He wants you to do the rest. And the words of God the Father? The Father points out sin ("Israel has sinned" He says) and teaches "In repentance and rest will be your salvation; in quietness and confidence will be your strength". The Father points to Jesus of whom He said "This is My beloved Son; listen to Him." The Father shows Jesus and Jesus leads to the Father.