
Saturday, 16 February 2019

Enoch and the Geonim?

I confess I do love a comic hero movie now and then and some great ones are being made these days. There seems to be a never ending source of inspiration for comic heroes and it might be that Enoch foresaw one period of heroes in his future and our past who would be the elect geniuses called the Geonim. Enoch saw a group of chosen ones would be given great learning by heaven such that they would start to see nature and the Creator with seven times what normal humans can grasp and they would appear in history between 350 and 1050 AD which is when recorded history tells us the Geonim formed the Geonic Academies in Babylon. (Enoch 93:10 “And at its close shall be elected the elect righteous of the eternal plant of righteousness, to receive sevenfold instruction concerning all His creation”)

Enoch 93:11-14 (R H Charles translation)

[11. For who is there of all the children of men that is able to hear the voice of the Holy One without being troubled? And who can think His thoughts? and who is there that can behold all the works of heaven? 12. And how should there be one who could behold the heaven, and who is there that could understand the things of heaven and see a soul or a spirit and could tell thereof, or ascend and see all their ends and think them or do like them? 13. And who is there of all men that could know what is the breadth and the length of the earth, and to whom has been shown the measure of all of them? 14. Or is there any one who could discern the length of the heaven and how great is its height, and upon what it is founded, and how great is the number of the stars, and where all the luminaries rest?]