The archaeology of Enoch’s time and documents such as the Book of Enoch and extant texts of documents found later concerning Enoch’s time (possibly written in Enoch’s time) all support the existence in the time of Enoch and before him of a man named Adapa who had no parents but was an actual creation. We know him as Adam. This was a man with a real story coming down to us preserved in history. The story recorded of him is that he was a ruler for some time ruling mankind in general in Stone Age times using one of the first human cities Eridu as his base and throughout his very long lifetime running a temple there and fishing to supply fish for the tenple and the people there. He passed on his throne to a successor and so started a dynasty that was to last a thousand years from 3700 to 2700 BC. His people called him a sage, one of seven great sages during his lifetime including Enoch as the seventh. So this shows the very real possibility of an example of creation of a human person in history without the involvement of biological parenthood. Spontaneous generation brought about by the action of spirits we call deities, especially by the one overall Spirit mankind has ever since believed to be the highest Spirit, who we today call God. In texts such as the Epic of Gilgamesh it is recorded that other beings were similarly created such as the wild man Enkidu. So the existence of hominids in the fossil records might have explanations other than evolution. Adapa might be the one from whom we all descend but others might have been created through the time of the planet of whom Adapa was just the most godlike and intelligent.