
Saturday, 9 February 2019

The Order of Melchizadek

The Bible Psalm phrase “the order of Melichizadek” is about a priest having proven their righteousness over a very, very long period, giving assurance that that righteousness will continue for ages to come too so their work of mediating for us with God has no forseeable end. This is seen in the Son of Man most of all. In the words of Jesus: “Before Abraham was born, I am”. As we trust the name and famous reputation of this Son of Man for all we need to live a life acceptable with God and in tune with God’s will we need to know this Son of Man has all the permanence and staying power necessary for all our life to come even for eternity. There are ancient texts such as the Book of Enoch which show that long before Jesus’ life started in Bethlehem this Son of Man was known alive and well and living in a heavenly place away from human society with full access to God the Father. He was there before becoming flesh and the risen from death Son of Man is living still now and will live for many thousands of years yet and on and on forever in the power of the Father. The Son of Man wonderfully famous when the ancient Book of Enoch was written and the resurrection makes it certain this great physician will live till long after we have all forgotten all about time as we know it today.