In the passages in the Book of Enoch (chapters 91 and 93) about the ten ‘weeks’ into which Enoch saw in heaven the time of history is divided, it can be deduced that we are in the ninth ‘week’. Our previous ‘week’ ending in the eighteenth century was called in heaven the week of righteousness. Before that week was a week of apostasy ending at the start of the second millennium AD (c 1040). So why the week of righteousness when there was a week of apostasy just before it? It seems the apostasy was counterbalanced by a time of sevenfold enlightenment for an elect few. The enlightenment had started in Jerusalem in the third to sixth centuries AD and spread through the Jewish Diaspora to Babylon where schools were established of specially gifted geniuses on whom blessings of insight were poured out by God. It all culminated on one hand with the writing of the Talmud but on the other the establishment of the Jewish Talmudic schools throughout the Diaspora to spread the benefits of the sevenfold light. These schools still exist today in Jewish communities: Yeshiva Schools. So God blessed the Jews for five hundred years with genius learning in Babylon and through the Diaspora this blessing permeated the world even during that otherwise apostate period of history - the seventh week. As is God’s way, the blessing spread from Jews to Gentiles reaching many societies including Europe and the Americas and so was elevated the learning period called The Enlightenment period and much of modern progress came from this blessing during the ‘week’ that followed. Eventually there was a distillation of the improved learning among Gentiles in the energence of denominational movements starting with the Reformation and continuing with the Awakenings and Revivals with ministers of religion such as the Wesleys. Ultimately this culminated in times of outpouring of the Holy Spirit giving us the Charismatic and Pentecostal movements. So after learning was given a massive boost among the few elect Jews in the seventh week the Jews worldwide received the benefits of improved education in righteousness. Then it spread to Gentiles too and there ensued the week of righteousness from the eleventh until the eightenth centuries. Now we are in the ninth week and what is called by some the postmodern era and centuries of enlightenment gives us innovations such as computers allowing me to type these words and tap a screen a few times and words about righteousness can instantly reach people right around the world. So God is reaching out through us with words to encourage those just coming to terms with what is happening to find a solid foundation for life and happiness. Spiritual understanding underpins true happiness and good spiritual understanding is a special gift from God that aids righteous living and turning from bad behaviour as truth becomes known. Yet this the ninth week is one of judgment. Primarily this is because the Son of Man will come again but also it is because the blessings of the Jews found in their turning to righteous living helped by the Talmudic Schools are not just for better knowledge but also for judgment. This goes right back to the third week when Abraham was chosen to be the plant of righteous judgment. Since then the righteousness of the Jews is also for the judgment of the world as well as for its blessing. So following centuries of improved, sevenfold knowledge of righteousness and of God and of creation first among the Jews then spilling over to the rest of the world especially believers there now comes judgment starting among Jews but extending to the whole world. Into times of worldwide judgment in which the Jews are primary distributors the Son of Man will come and judge with perfected righteousness and faith in truth.