
Monday, 27 May 2019

The Present Day Roman Empire


• pan-European with workdwide control of countries
• relies on romantic sentiments towards ancient Rome
• ruled by elite guided by stories of the Caesars 
• idolises huge sports events
• loves the fashion and luxury car industries of Italy
• corrupt and sinful
• liable to the occassional pandemic of horror
• doomed by prophecy to remain fragmented
• doomed by prophecy to fall

• being abandoned by true followers of God

Brexit - EU Election in UK

In the English part of the EU elections this weekend the results in the South West show how it was the strongly Roman city Bath and Holy Roman (Regency) town Cheltenham which voted anti-brexit and everywhere else pro-brexit (apart from Bristol which is strongly pro-environment voting these days, having so many young students). It reinforces the analysis that the EU is essentially an extension into present times of the Roman Empire. Pro-Roman sentiments bind people to it.

Saturday, 25 May 2019


‘And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.”’
Revelation 18:4

The British have always since 40 AD been ruled by the Roman Empire in one form or another: first Rome then the Holy Roman Empire under Rome then the Habsurgs and other royal houses including Saxe-Coburg (now House of Windsor in UK) forming modern Europe and now the EU. So to get free of Rome and Europe will be a truly historic and momentous event. Countries around the world have longed and fought bitterly for such freedom. To gain it without a war will be astonishing: A miracle of God on the lines of Book of Revelation 18.


Since the Stone Age it has been the normal practice to wrap a baby in tight cloth to restrict movement to help comfort and nurture the baby at the start of life. The practice was extended to wounded children and adults to help recovery of wounded limbs. The bandages used for swaddling babies and for binding the wounded were combined with first washing of the skin with salt or wine for antiseptic and with oil for healing. Yet over time the teachings of fallen angels about reliance of drugs and shaman superior knowledge called medicine has also grown and eventually the medics grew so influential in the seventeeth century AD Europe that medics overruled the knowledge of normal people and swaddling was banned and treatment of the wounded by ordinary people was outlawed in some countries. The teachings of the Son of Man were contrary to the medical dogmas and rather than supporting ideas of supremacy of knowledge-controlling medics and their drugs the Son of Man, who Himself had been swaddled as a baby, taught the simple techniques of the ‘Good Samaritan” tending the wounded by binding wounded body areas with bands to restrict movement and help healing and keep out dirt after washing with oil and wine. The medics will have to face Him one day and He has spoken in dire words about medical sorcery and shamanism about a lake of fire to those who refuse to repent now. Who do you trust most?

For You

The prophet Enoch knew the Son of Man personally 3000 years before the world did. Yet 3000 years after Enoch was writing about the Son of Man and went to be with the Son of Man this amazing thing happened:
Apostle Paul wrote about it like this: 
“... and He died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf.” 2 Corinthians 5:15
Yes for you personally the Son of Man died. Not just for you but for you plus each other person. Not just for everyone but for you personally too.

Friday, 24 May 2019

Dear Atheist

Dear Atheist: It isn’t all about the existence of God but rather the existence of the Christian cross and the crucifixion that brought it into existence. It is beyond existence. It is what God is doing and what that says about God who started a major series of events with that cross as their crux.

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Iraq: One Statue Ends, Another Begins


We all remember seeing those iconic images of the statue of Saddam Hussein being toppled by Iraqi people. Well the history of Iraqi leader statue toppling is crucial to prophetic history going back to Nebuchadnezzar and continuing to this day.  By prophetic power from God the ancient Babylonian greatest king of kings, Nebuchadnezzar, dreamt of a huge statue of himself with a gold head and silver upper body and bronze torso and iron legs and iron mingled with clay feet representing first the head Babylon (today’s region of Iraq), then Persia (today’s Iran), then Greeco-Macedonia (today’s Balkans), then Rome (legs of iron) and finally the feet - which seem to be the EU legacy of the Roman Empire today. Then a rock hewn from a mountain not by human hands strikes the feet and the whole thing shatters and turns to dust. The statue only has its feet left and seems to be on the point of being turned to dust by a heavenly cause. Just as this is about to happen and history fulfilled the Revelation prophecy of another Beast Empire rising seems to be emerging in our times: the rise of the Beast empire shown by God to Jesus as a mixture of Iraq - again the head - and Iran and the Balkans all allied together to become a new empire rising out of turmoil in Syria and surroundings. So Iraq appears these two crucial times in prophesied history. Each time it is the head - the brains of the setup. Each time it is part of something far bigger than itself. The EU is all that is left of the first manifestation of Iraq’s capacity to rule the world which took an empire sequence till today to run its course. The next phase of history led again by Iraq as head will be a three-way alliance between Iraq and Iran and the Balkans forming a new superpower never seen in this format before. But like the EU feet this too will be shattered by heaven-sent power - the power that is the Son of Man coming in the clouds. Enoch’s prophesies forshadowed these two later continuations of his apocalyptic thread forming a prophetic combined picture spanning thousands of years from 3000 BC till Daniel and from Daniel till the Son of Man resurrected from the dead. Today we have a culimination of the events these prophesies all foretold. Soon we will see Jesus coming in the clouds of heaven. 

Sunday, 19 May 2019

The Primary Son of Man

The Peshitta translation of John’s gospel, especially where Jesus uses the phrase “I am” is profound beyond the other translations because the Aramaic conveys meaning of “I am” better than Greek or English can. It conveys a meaning of one who is primary. The tense of “I am” means was and is and will be but it also conveys primary importance and status. There are few primary beings in all the universe - the Father is one, the Son of Man is another. These are belngs so long in existence and eternal in the future too such that they are utterly pre-eminent and primary beyond all other beings. Believing Jesus is this primary being, the Son of Man, is first necessary step towards being free from sin. The next is then, once believing this, to hold to His teachings. See John 8 in Peshitta.

Thursday, 16 May 2019

The Name of the Son of Man


The Book of Enoch chapter 69: 

“13. And this is the task of Kâsbeêl, the chief of the oath which he showed to the holy ones when he dwelt high above in glory, and its name is Bîqâ. 14. This (angel) requested Michael to show him the hidden name, that he might enunciate it in the oath, so that those might quake before that name and oath who revealed all that was in secret to the children of men. 15. And this is the power of this oath, for it is powerful and strong, and he placed this oath Akâe in the hand of Michael. 16 And these are the secrets of this oath . . .
And they are strong through his oath:
And the heaven was suspended before the world was created,
And for ever.”
25. And this oath is mighty over them
And through it ⌈they are preserved and⌉ their paths are preserved,
And their course is not destroyed.
26. And there was great joy amongst them,
And they blessed and glorified and extolled
Because the name of that Son of Man had been revealed unto them.”

This great mystery of the natural world and the angels who govern it is in the third parable section of the Book of Enoch. It teaches truth about how angels around 3200 BC tackled growing unrest in Creation caused by the angels who rebelled. It opens a window on how the workings of Nature depend on a binding agreement to behave according to rules ordained by the Creator and how the angel overseeing this agreement was alarmed by the possibility of things slipping and evil breaching the peace and order once some angels had broken the agreement. There was more that needed adding to the agreement to keep it in place so that Nature would still adhere to it and continue to function as God intended. The extra strength that would suffice was seen to be the name of the Son of Man. What is that name - the aspect of His reputation that would keep Nature together and keep everything continuing as God intended? How does it strengthen the agreement underpinning Nature? We know a little now of the Name of the Son of Man and what He is known for now He has come and people have followed Him. He is especially known for obeying the Father despite it meaning death on a cross for Him. He pleased God in every way and carried through on this obedience to the will of God His Father. So now there is this example for Nature to follow. The weakening of all things caused by the fall of some of God’s angels is mitigated by the example of obedience seen and known in Christ. His name and reputation for this balances the whole of God’s creation and keeps all things working properly overseen by angels who were given knowledge of this Name so they could enunciate it in their swearing of that agreement, that oath. An understanding of what God wills and commands is now strengthened by the example of one man, the Son of Man, who has been faithful in obedience even unto death, dying on a cross.

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Ebola 2020

EBOLA 2020

Ebola in East Africa (in a warzone hard to reach) stands at 2000 cases now and is perpetually doubling every three months. So at this rate it will be 32000 cases in a year a three months from now (August 2020). The West African outbreak (worst in known history) a few years ago got to 28000 cases before its end and had reached Europe at that point. So it seems likely this current outbreak will reach Europe within a eighteen months from now, perhaps even by the end of this year.

So Brexit might be a matter of life or death. The UK will need a strong decisive and sovereign government and need God on our side to cope and survive.

Monday, 13 May 2019

The Antonine Plague


In the days of the height of the early Roman Empire the road system was highly developed throughout Europe but this allowed a great plague to spread freely. The Book of Revelation (chapter 18) had foretold plague because of sins of Rome. So even the merciful God did not stop this plague. God only warned against sharing in Rome’s sins and therefore being subjecf to Rome’s punishments. God’s warning then as now was to dissociate from Rome and from the associates of Rome who shared in the sins of Rome (of Babylon the Great). Nowadays the system left by Rome continues to spread the same deeds Rome had perpetrated. The punishments are stored up just the same. The new equivalent of the road system is the air travel system. A plague such as the brewing Ebola outbreak of East Africa can spread through this system of fast connections between airports. The connections are so fast that symptoms do not emerge during short flight times. Coming out and being separate is still the solution God provides for His own followers who heed His call. Maybe others who do not follow can be saved by being caught up in the obedient dissociation too.

Saturday, 11 May 2019

English Bibles


We English readers have a heritage of translations of the bible coming through sixteenth and seventeenth century English early translations. The later translations in English usually never dare to vary from the older ones and copy a lot of the sentences. Perhaps it is because people who buy the later translations are already well versed in the older ones especially the KJV. Yet there is a major weakness in this because the seventeenth century England and France had a strong culture which got incorporated in these early translations into English. For example it was always a puzzle to me what the bible meant by “familiar spirit”. Verses in the books of Moses judged people with familiar spirits - or so it seems from the English translations. Yet actually the familiar spirit tradition is not in the Bible in the Hebrew but is an English traditional belief from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (as emerged in the witch trials) and the translators finding words based on the Hebrew root “yada” simply interpreted it using the English and French folk tradition by translating it as “someone (or a woman) with a familiar spirit”. So familiar spirit got inserted artificially. So we can benefit from having other translations not part of this history of translation but from other cultures such as the Peshitta which comes from Syria and is translated into English with care to stay close to the Syriac meanings.

Friday, 10 May 2019

The Persecuted will be back


I don’t know about what you are hearing but to me it seems like all three Beasts (great empires described by the Lord’s vision given through John in Revelation) are rising in full view of the media these days. First the Beast of Islam based around Iraq and Iran and soon the Balkans rising against the backdrop of Syrian turmoil. Second the Beast of the allies of Rome and the monarchies of Europe. Third the Beast of the New Globalisation System with its impending 666 oppressive campaign against the true children of God and the Lord’s testimony. All three are becoming main talking points in the mainstream media even by those who set aside the Revelation prophecies. In terms of Enoch’s prophecies it looks like we are entering a new phase of persecution of Jews and possibly Christian believers too. This might be the last of the seventy angelic shepherd tenures. This last tenure like some of the previous eleven might be one with most bloodshed. We might soon see the nations surrounding Israel turn violently against the state and the diaspora. We might see the Temple built in Jerusalem. We might see the rise of the last tame but greatly dreaded billy goat ruler and his strong horn and sword supporting the persecuted sheep and smiting the wild beasts who hate them. What might irke and bewilder and greatly trouble the world media if they are aware what is transpiring is that all the Christians killed in persecution who have real faith and are worthy - these will be back - and they will judge everyone for a thousand years.

Angels or Aliens?


The sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (AD) saw the sudden rise in witch trials. Suddenly everyone was afraid to be convicted. Scientists started strongly denying anything supernatural could possibly exist - because they too were afraid they would be found guilty of sorcery. So since then the sciences and other learned disciplines have suppressed any suggestion of belief in supernatural beings. This is strongly embedded in our culture and psyche although it belies our collective folk language which preserves the knowledge of the past. So to get around this fear of being thought to believe in the supernatural some clever writers started writing about supernatural beings by substituting terms with words like alien and by superimposing this knew philosophy onto very ancient words lost to society such as anunnaki which people did not know so could not associate with supernatural beings.

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Brexit and the EU

What triggered the Brexit referendum? There was a growing belief that major changes in the treaties of the EU affecting national sovereignty could only be agreed by referendum. This was being neglected by the UK Conservative Party. The Maastricht Treaty had sought a greater integration of EU member states yet there had been no referendum in the UK to support or reject it. There was thought that Conservatives coming to power would fix this but initially they fell short. Backlash forced them to make good. Despite party political reasons the underlying justification of a referendum was still the growing integration of the EU into an ever closer union affecting member nation sovereignty and identity. So the real vote was on the UK agreeing to this move towards union and away from national identity and sovereignty. The result said ‘No’. (Nay)

Each Does Their Work in Love

”... From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.“ (Ephesians 4:16)
To build this body we each lovingly do the task God gives us and so the whole body of Christ is built as the Temple of God.

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Taking Stock


Book of Enoch chapter 5:1-4 : 
“Observe how the trees cover themselves with green leaves and bear fruit: wherefore give ye heed and know with regard to all His works, and recognize how He that liveth for ever hath made them so.
And all His works go on thus from year to year for ever, and all the tasks which they accomplish for Him, and their tasks change not, but according as God hath ordained so is it done.
And behold how the sea and the rivers in like manner accomplish and change no their tasks from His commandments.
But ye--ye have not been steadfast, nor done the commandments of the Lord,
But ye have turned away and spoken proud and hard words
With your impure mouths against His greatness.
Oh, ye hard-hearted, ye shall find no peace.”

Enoch gave such counsel which is food for beneficial meditation if we learn to be still now and then and consider how things truly are. We owe it to ourselves to reflect from time to time on the true nature of things to keep our minds balanced and to reset the compass that guides us. Taking stock. Getting our bearings. Adjusting the settings in our minds, like checking that our clocks are showing the true time. The truth should be a corner stone in how we live so it is good to dig down through accumulated junk from time to time to be sure it is still there and still correct. The truth is how Nature lives. Trees obey what is expected of them from the highest authority and they continue to do so whatever the weather and climate and surroundings. If trees can do it why can’t we. The truth is often how we DON’T live. We let ourselves lose touch with it as greed and desire and cravings and trickery well up from our human hearts like pollution that blocks out the sun of truth. We do wrong instead of always doing right like trees and sea and rivers do. We should meditate on it a little and face up to it so we do not get ahead of ourselves. Then we should look beyond it all to a brightest of bright lights - the Son of Man and His teachings which give us hope that a way back to truth can be found and our true selves as God intended us to be can be recreated as He puts us right if we hold to His teachings and let hope regarding Him take over our hearts and become our guide towards the light we so desparately need. This is why God sent Him and why He died on that awful cross for us: To put us back on track.

Monday, 6 May 2019

Lake of Fire

The Book of Enoch says much about the Son of Man and the lake of fire. In Revelation the prophecies continue the theme. The sufferings of the Son of Man are highlighted in Revelation. Clearly His death was major suffering for Him but even after His resurrection those sufferings continued for Him as He started to see His most faithful followers being persecuted and murdered. This still continues today. It is the Book of Enoch which most clearly relates another level of His sufferings still to come. When He returns it will soon be required of Him by the Father that He must set aside millions or even billions who must be thrown into a lake of firey destruction. He will surely do the Father’s will by taking this awful duty since He alone is the Son of Man who in God’s eyes is truly suited to this duty and is worthy of it. He did in fact mention this duty during His ministry in the first century AD. He described it in a parable as being like a shepherd separating the sheep from the goats. The Book of Enoch explained that it will be ‘sheep’ who are ‘blind sheep’ who will be cast into the fire. Enoch had a slightly different picture of it given him in a prophetic dream thousands of years ago but it was the same events depicted. It must be that designating from His  flock such blind sheep or goats for such destruction will be extremely painful for the Shepherd but He must do it.

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Heavenly Places

Enoch’s accounts of visiting the heavenly place of God seem to be literal and not metaphorical. Ancient archaeology supports the fact that the ancients believed God inhabited a physical location possibly beneath a mountain in the vicinity of Mesopotamia. The Book of Enoch refers to the place where angels and God and the Son of Man dwell and have the throne of God they refer to a place where fire is underfoot and between the crystals of the walls and flows as a river of fire. The descriptions match caverns such as the Cave of Crystals in Mexico but before the magma disappeared and so the mountain in question must have such caverns within it. These Cave of Crystals magma chambers were not at all accessible from outside until mining shafts were accidentally drilled into them. There must be many such caverns in many moumtains aroond the world. The descriptions in the Book of Enoch would be entirely consistent with some such caverns. These places originally huge chambers full of water and become lined with extremely large crystals which are thought to form on the walls and floor and ceiling as water seeps into the chamber bring into it sulphur and when magma heats the water the sulphur and other minerals are concentrated next to the chamber surfaces. If the heat of the magma drives away the water completely through gaps in the rocky walls the huge chamber lined with crystals and magma. These chambers are potentially extremely hot and potentially very humid because they are heated by the magma and there is no way for the heat to escape. The magma might flow around the floor too. Enoch described the pair of two chambers linked by a portal and these chambers were very both hot very cold and lined with crystals mingled with fire and with a river of fire and the crystal throne of God there in the middle and a huge expanse above it. In one of the crystal chambers he saw God and cherubim and other kinds of angels and that the archangels the Son of Man entered it. 

The Book of Enoch has two passages about these places - in the R H Charles translation they are chapters 14 and 71. 

Book of Enoch chapter 14: 

9. And I went in till I drew nigh to a wall which is built of crystals and surrounded by tongues of fire: and it began to affright me. And I went into the tongues of fire and drew nigh to a large house which was built of crystals: and the walls of the house were like a tesselated floor (made) of crystals, and its groundwork was of crystal. 11. Its ceiling was like the path of the stars and the lightnings, and between them were fiery cherubim, and their heaven was (clear as) water. 12. A flaming fire surrounded the walls, and its portals blazed with fire. 13. And I entered into that house, and it was hot as fire and cold as ice: there were no delights of life therein: fear covered me, and trembling got hold upon me. 14. And as I quaked and trembled, I fell upon my face. 15. And I beheld a vision, And lo! there was a second house, greater than the former, 
and the entire portal stood open before me, and it was built of flames of fire. 16. And in every respect it so excelled in splendour and magnificence and extent that I cannot describe to you its splendour and its extent. 17. And its floor was of fire, and above it were lightnings and the path of the stars, and its ceiling also was flaming fire. 18. And I looked and saw ⌈⌈therein⌉⌉ a lofty throne: its appearance was as crystal, and the wheels thereof as the shining sun, and there was the vision of cherubim. 19. And from underneath the throne came streams of flaming fire so that I could not look thereon. 20. And the Great Glory sat thereon, and His raiment shone more brightly than the sun and was whiter than any snow. 21. None of the angels could enter and could behold His face by reason of the magnificence and glory and no flesh could behold Him. 22. The flaming fire was round about Him, and a great fire stood before Him, and none around could draw nigh Him: ten thousand times ten thousand (stood) before Him, yet He needed no counselor. 23. And the most holy ones who were nigh to Him did not leave by night nor depart from Him. 

The Book of Enoch chapter 71: 

1. And it came to pass after this that my spirit was translated
And it ascended into the heavens:
And I saw the holy sons of God.
They were stepping on flames of fire:
Their garments were white [and their raiment],
And their faces shone like snow.
2. And I saw two streams of fire,
And the light of that fire shone like hyacinth,
And I fell on my face before the Lord of Spirits.
3. And the angel Michael [one of the archangels] seized me by my right hand,
And lifted me up and led me forth into all the secrets,
And he showed me all the secrets of righteousness.
4. And he showed me all the secrets of the ends of the heaven,
And all the chambers of all the stars, and all the luminaries,
Whence they proceed before the face of the holy ones.
5. And he translated my spirit into the heaven of heavens,
And I saw there as it were a structure built of crystals,
And between those crystals tongues of living fire.
6. And my spirit saw the girdle which girt that house of fire,
And on its four sides were streams full of living fire,
And they girt that house.
7. And round about were Seraphin, Cherubic, and Ophannin:
And these are they who sleep not
And guard the throne of His glory.
8. And I saw angels who could not be counted,
A thousand thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand,
Encircling that house.

It might baffle us how the Almighty God could inhabit such a physical place without destroying it by the sheer glory and fire of His presence but think how that burning bush seen by Moses was all afire yet was not consumed. Clearly God can preserve His immediate surroundings from Himself. 

Several mountains in the Middle East region are candidates for this place but famous archaeologist specialising in Sumerian times who translated the Epic of Gilgamesh and many other texts from times just after the Flood identified Mount Lebanon as likely site. It is covered in cedar trees which ancient texts identify with what might be the home of God and the ancient text calls that home Meshu, which means ‘one of two’ (a cross symbol) and Mount Lebanon is one of two twin mountains. The twin mountain is actually Mount Hermon, a key mountain in the Enoch texts where the fallen angels congregated and made their unholy pact infuriating God with its devastating effects on mankind.

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Tongues and Interpretation

“Consider the trees how they put out buds and leaves. They do so by the authority/power of the name of Lord Jesus Christ.”
Having met Him, I know for myself His character is magnificent. What this interpretation of a message in tongues by the Holy Spirit tells us is that His name and reputation based on that character is so magnificent that it is the power underpinning the whole of Nature, the fabric of the universe and the natural world.

Taking this to heart the next awareness given by the Holy Spirit is conviction that I’m a sinner falling short of this glory. “Israel has sinned”, is the word of the Almighty Father. Yet it is comforting to know that Jesus has it covered. Has me covered. “The Angel of the Lord surrounds those that fear Him.”