
Sunday, 19 May 2019

The Primary Son of Man

The Peshitta translation of John’s gospel, especially where Jesus uses the phrase “I am” is profound beyond the other translations because the Aramaic conveys meaning of “I am” better than Greek or English can. It conveys a meaning of one who is primary. The tense of “I am” means was and is and will be but it also conveys primary importance and status. There are few primary beings in all the universe - the Father is one, the Son of Man is another. These are belngs so long in existence and eternal in the future too such that they are utterly pre-eminent and primary beyond all other beings. Believing Jesus is this primary being, the Son of Man, is first necessary step towards being free from sin. The next is then, once believing this, to hold to His teachings. See John 8 in Peshitta.