
Saturday, 25 May 2019


Since the Stone Age it has been the normal practice to wrap a baby in tight cloth to restrict movement to help comfort and nurture the baby at the start of life. The practice was extended to wounded children and adults to help recovery of wounded limbs. The bandages used for swaddling babies and for binding the wounded were combined with first washing of the skin with salt or wine for antiseptic and with oil for healing. Yet over time the teachings of fallen angels about reliance of drugs and shaman superior knowledge called medicine has also grown and eventually the medics grew so influential in the seventeeth century AD Europe that medics overruled the knowledge of normal people and swaddling was banned and treatment of the wounded by ordinary people was outlawed in some countries. The teachings of the Son of Man were contrary to the medical dogmas and rather than supporting ideas of supremacy of knowledge-controlling medics and their drugs the Son of Man, who Himself had been swaddled as a baby, taught the simple techniques of the ‘Good Samaritan” tending the wounded by binding wounded body areas with bands to restrict movement and help healing and keep out dirt after washing with oil and wine. The medics will have to face Him one day and He has spoken in dire words about medical sorcery and shamanism about a lake of fire to those who refuse to repent now. Who do you trust most?