
Monday, 6 May 2019

Lake of Fire

The Book of Enoch says much about the Son of Man and the lake of fire. In Revelation the prophecies continue the theme. The sufferings of the Son of Man are highlighted in Revelation. Clearly His death was major suffering for Him but even after His resurrection those sufferings continued for Him as He started to see His most faithful followers being persecuted and murdered. This still continues today. It is the Book of Enoch which most clearly relates another level of His sufferings still to come. When He returns it will soon be required of Him by the Father that He must set aside millions or even billions who must be thrown into a lake of firey destruction. He will surely do the Father’s will by taking this awful duty since He alone is the Son of Man who in God’s eyes is truly suited to this duty and is worthy of it. He did in fact mention this duty during His ministry in the first century AD. He described it in a parable as being like a shepherd separating the sheep from the goats. The Book of Enoch explained that it will be ‘sheep’ who are ‘blind sheep’ who will be cast into the fire. Enoch had a slightly different picture of it given him in a prophetic dream thousands of years ago but it was the same events depicted. It must be that designating from His  flock such blind sheep or goats for such destruction will be extremely painful for the Shepherd but He must do it.