We all remember seeing those iconic images of the statue of Saddam Hussein being toppled by Iraqi people. Well the history of Iraqi leader statue toppling is crucial to prophetic history going back to Nebuchadnezzar and continuing to this day. By prophetic power from God the ancient Babylonian greatest king of kings, Nebuchadnezzar, dreamt of a huge statue of himself with a gold head and silver upper body and bronze torso and iron legs and iron mingled with clay feet representing first the head Babylon (today’s region of Iraq), then Persia (today’s Iran), then Greeco-Macedonia (today’s Balkans), then Rome (legs of iron) and finally the feet - which seem to be the EU legacy of the Roman Empire today. Then a rock hewn from a mountain not by human hands strikes the feet and the whole thing shatters and turns to dust. The statue only has its feet left and seems to be on the point of being turned to dust by a heavenly cause. Just as this is about to happen and history fulfilled the Revelation prophecy of another Beast Empire rising seems to be emerging in our times: the rise of the Beast empire shown by God to Jesus as a mixture of Iraq - again the head - and Iran and the Balkans all allied together to become a new empire rising out of turmoil in Syria and surroundings. So Iraq appears these two crucial times in prophesied history. Each time it is the head - the brains of the setup. Each time it is part of something far bigger than itself. The EU is all that is left of the first manifestation of Iraq’s capacity to rule the world which took an empire sequence till today to run its course. The next phase of history led again by Iraq as head will be a three-way alliance between Iraq and Iran and the Balkans forming a new superpower never seen in this format before. But like the EU feet this too will be shattered by heaven-sent power - the power that is the Son of Man coming in the clouds. Enoch’s prophesies forshadowed these two later continuations of his apocalyptic thread forming a prophetic combined picture spanning thousands of years from 3000 BC till Daniel and from Daniel till the Son of Man resurrected from the dead. Today we have a culimination of the events these prophesies all foretold. Soon we will see Jesus coming in the clouds of heaven.