
Monday, 30 September 2019

Parallel Universes

Parallel Universes: 
their possible albeit unlikely existence is a real and present danger to Atheists everywhere in all times in all the past and future in all universes because it only needs one parallel universe to have a real god in it and suddenly all these Atheists are wrong.

Sunday, 29 September 2019

Was Religion an Invention Introduced to Control People?

Early religion appears, from archaeology of Eridu temples (Urbaid Period), to have been about sacrifices made to a kind of universally acknowledged topmost god then maybe to other gods later as more cities were built by the patron gods who were lower than the top God. The temples built in service to God and gods had men working there who used to fish and catch small animals both to sacrifice and to feed the visitors and these workers themselves in their service: so it seems from bones found around the altars and from oral and later written traditions about these times (e.g. ‘Adapa and the South Wind’). Did these men later called priests and kings ever seek to use their position to control people? It would have been documented if they did. Record management developed in Uruk around these practices. The records would show evidence if it happened that control was wielded by these men. It is not a major feature of these times. What we do find is a corruption period arising around that time but not based on the religious priests but on dreaded marauders who forced people to hide in holes dug and extremely hard to reach caves. The magic arts period coincided with this around 3200 to 3100 BC as evident from Levant archaeology such as the Nahal Mishmar finds. Tradition says it was offspring of the inventors of Chalcolithic technologies who, as sorcerers of greater-than-average size (giants), wrought havoc. Priests and kings were typically noble and well regarded in comparison. Evil people controlled society as oligarchs who were served as gods. The earliest named such person is Gilgamesh. The Epic of Gilgamesh tells how society tried in vain to stop his atrocities. He became a tyrannical demigod. Even though he was a hero later venerated like Hercules. He was not a religious leader but was an enemy of the gods whose cedar forests he destroyed.

The Afterlife

The four afterlives I believe exist are not good news for me so my belief is not a choice but an imperative. In my gut I wish there were no such afterlives. Like a criminal on trial wishes there were no prison systems or justice system. The afterlife equalises. Many in the world need a fair share of privileges I currently enjoy. The afterlife addresses this. Victims of the system that gives me preference now deserve their redress of the balance. The afterlife is that redress. Fortunately it is not a binary solution to a complex problem. Christianity hides this. The teaching of Christ on hades and paradise is not meant to paint the whole picture but samples what Jesus taught. The details are extended in the Book of Enoch which Jesus endorsed and mandated for knowledge at the same time when He taught His abstract. 

Saturday, 28 September 2019

Get woke

Get woke to the existence of God and some other things follow, more important perhaps because they affect us directly and put us in the subject of the topic. Firstly God who exists is to be trusted with being topmost God. Secondly God wants a human son who is true to type. Thirdly Jesus Christ exists - living - resurrected - having existed in aeons past and now and forever - but has become human in the same sense we are human but now resurrected. Fourthly this Jesus is everything God wants in a son - what God wants a son to be. Fifthly God is happy with Jesus as a son, and raised Jesus having sent Jesus to his death in obedience but Jesus lives forever by God’s power. Sixthly God still wants more sons; sons like Jesus. Seventhly there a some of us God and Jesus see as such potential sons. Eighthly Jesus can make us those sons if we believe in him and hold to his teachings.

Saturday, 21 September 2019

Freedom from fear of death

How can people be free from fear of death? Believe in Jesus Christ then believe the promise of Jesus Christ to those who believe Him: recorded in Gospel of John chapter 8 “If you hold to my teachings you are truly my disciples; then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” (Famous saying that last bit, motto of the CIA.) Why is this a cure for fear of death? In the rest of that chapter Jesus’ words say that those who do not believe will die in their sins. This is what “set you free” means - free from dying in sins that enslave. Believing and following by adhering sets free from this dying in sin. Dying in sin is what is feared. Dying freed is not fearsome.

The Burden of Proof

The whole of nature (creation) obeys its creator - just look at it and you might perceive it in the lapping of the waves or the budding of the trees - and wisdom tells it to our hearts - but don’t ask me to prove it because I would not want to spoil the inner light by having to think about how to prove that light to darkness - but it is still wisdom that brings deep happiness when you let it in. Without this wisdom nature will leave your heart baffled at it all. Insist on proof and you will be missing out on the happiness of understanding and wisdom. Remember your creator and obey your creator and you will find yourself at one with nature and that will be your proof. You will find you have fellowship and peace and that peace will surpass understanding.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

The Meaning of Life

The highest being is looking to recruit some faithful lesser beings to serve Him forever as sons in His family. The selection process is tough. But He creates the opportunities to succeed and the prospects are good if you join in good faith and stay with the plan. That is why we are here and the meaning of life and the universe.

Monday, 16 September 2019

How it all began

God must have survived the Big Bang if there was such a thing - along with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. They must have existed before Time itself became what we think of as Time today. (Was Time real before the Big Bang? If not, how could there be a before and after the Big Bang if there was no time until after it?) They, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, must have existed as something (‘spirit’) that is not part of the universe that did not exist back then. What must have existed though is their faith and hope and love between each other; then any other spirits they created which are not part of the Big Bang universe. Then order must have existed, coming into existence, like Heraclitus and the Stoics said, as the ledger of balances that transcends all things - the laws of nature - human-comprehendible, mathematically-expressable laws as Pythagoras pointed out - based on the Logos, preincarnate Jesus. And as nature started to exist it must from the start have obeyed such laws and all in the power of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Logos, the Son of Man. And nature has never departed from this way since then, always functioning, like a true Christian, by the power of putting into practice the teachings of the Christ, the Son of Man. So it is natural to do the same, putting into practice what He said. If He says it, such is His reputation, it is good to rely on that reputation and do it. Such is the power of His name.

Friday, 13 September 2019

Proof of God’s Existence

The existence of evil in humans is enough proof - the existence of a satanic being influencing humans to do and think atrocious things. No other animal is evil. Only humans. No animal would utterly destroy the environment it needs for life; that its offspring will need. Only humans. Something is influencing humans. That proves the supernatural spirits are real and that God has rightly called out one of them as evil, liar and murderer. Humans are too evil to have worked that out. There must be a God for light like that to be shining in darkness. See John 8 - there is your proof.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

What is my opinion of Jesus?

What do I think about Jesus?
Just imagine you are not an absolute out and out Atheist but you want to be more real in how you think of God. You want to genuinely believe God exists and Jesus exists and even the Holy Spirit too but you find you are too Atheist or simply Agnostic and ignorant and have to keep persuading yourself they are real beings. So you are in a storm that floods a nearby river and you know God is meant to preside over such things as judge so you decide to walk to the river and see the flooding and try to think how it might be it is God judging. On the way back a voice shouts at you inside your head “Put down your umbrella!” You are carrying a huge umbrella like golfers use which keeps you dry despite the downpour but you sense such authority in the ‘voice’ that you fold it immediately and as you do so the rain stops so abruptly you just know that voice was Jesus. To be really sure you later ask for a sign and as you go to bed you see a dressing gown never used hung on a peg. You ask that if it was really Jesus may that come down off the peg before the morning. You sleep but halfway through the night you feel suddenly deeply compelled to wake up and get up. You take the dressing gown off the peg and suddenly remember the sign. That’s Jesus. And that was me in 1995 encountering Him having pleaded to meet Him.
He seems to do what God wills. He is very loving and kind even though He is in charge of judging humanity. If God wants Him to do something to help someone Jesus does it, so it seems. Considering He is top man in the universe and all nature continues to function by His name’s power He is remarkably humble. He is just the same nowadays as He was when gospel writers wrote down His actions and words. Astounding guy.
Also I notice He still practices what He preached. He is not the kind who gives advice and teachings then does something different to His teachings when the time comes. He says to use faith to command nature and still today He does just that. That is very cool. And He amazingly carries on after two thousand years doing just the same as in gospel days. He doesn’t move on from doing those old things He did but there is an utter excellence to them now - I guess because Ge is back with the Father like He was before He came. 
The Holy Spirit does just what Jesus said He would in nowadays still telling what the name of Jesus can do and glorifying Jesus. The main thing I heard coming from the Holy Spirit in my lifetime (interpreted tongues) was this: ‘Consider the trees - they put forth buds and leaves - they do so by the power/authority of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ’ and it continued about planets but I forgot the words (back in 1995). That says so much about Jesus. Clearly it is natural to follow His teachings because even nature does so and has always done so and always will. If you want to act on the confidence His name adds to His teachings you are in good company with the natural world. It also speaks to His ‘preexistence’ - that He was a heavenly being aeons before His incarnation since nature relies on His authority in all it does.
Since hearing what the Holy Spirit says about Jesus I came across the Book of Enoch in a bookshop and bought several copies of various translations of it over the years (it is online too In it I found words extremely close to what was said by the Holy Spirit and then I read on to find whole chapters about Jesus written by this prophet Enoch who knew Him as the Son of Man. It is so clearly Jesus. So here was someone meeting the living Jesus five thousand years ago. Amazing. Jesus did not lie when He said “Before Abraham was born, I am”.

The Life that is Light

The Son of Man alive two thousand years after dying on a cross, and however many millennia after prophet Enoch saw Him, now perceived today still, He is light and such a bright light today because the life He has sustaining Him today is the power of the Father in unending supply. The very truth that He lives like this now and the perception by faith of that life from God within Him lights up the soul and fires up the spirit within. We might learn to love this light and yearn to let it linger on the canvas of the inner mind. By nature the evil mind shrinks from this light even though we know we need it so we need to be made good within so we can let its beam rest within like the sun’s rays rest without, so we can soak up those health-giving rays from the power of God that made Jesus alive from the dead and is perpetually keeping Him alive.

Monday, 9 September 2019

The Completed Gospel

The Book of Enoch shows us the Son of Man living in Enoch’s time and this completes the true Gospel. You see, if Jesus were an ordinary thirty year old, even a perfectly sinless one, even a prophet and teacher, that mere death on a cross could not pay for sins of every single person, including you and me. The Son of Man was no ordinary man but had been since before Abraham and the pyramids the Son of Man in heaven and right hand man and precious one son to the highest god. Enoch’s book verifies this. So the blood of this Son of Man shed on that cross was a sufficient sacrifice for your sins and mine and the whole world’s. So God raised Him after just a couple of days in death. He lives today and forever and that everlasting life is a light to us all, if we will let it shine within.

Saturday, 7 September 2019

Is it a Threat if Islam Spreads?

The threat of Islam is in its suppression of the message of the cross. Islamic teachers tend to deny the cross and the crucifixion of Isa al Massih Jesus Christ. They interpret a verse in the Quran seeming to say Christ did not die - Jews only thought they killed Him. They say there was a substitute made and someone else was crucified. In reality only a few people witnessed the crucifixion and subsequent resurrection of the Christ so proving Islam wrong intellectually is tough. Christianity has survived by asserting the crucifixion and resurrection. But if every country becomes Islamic how will such assertions continue except by divine help. The evidence of the crucifixion is not absent. There is the very meaning of the cross symbol for one thing and its relationship to the words Mass and Messiah (Massiach) - it is a very ancient symbol first seen in the very earliest writings in Uruk and continuing in use in Sumerian up until the times of the ministry of the Messiah. It means (from Wiktionary): 𒈦 (MAŠ)
1. şibtu "interest on a loan"
2. bīru; urīşu "sacrificial animal for omens"
3. mişru "border, boundary"
4. māšu “twin”
𒈦 (ĝešMAŠ)
1. gişşu "tree"

So it appears deeply symbolic that God who sent Him used a cross.

Did Darwin disprove Atheism and Theism.

Could it be that Darwin proved Atheism wrong? Theism too? If life evolves then fine but if it evolves from inanimate matter spontaneously over billions of years Atheism and Theism are disproved. In reality though we can call technological advances ‘evolution’. It clearly doesn’t mean if you leave a iPod in a room long enough and come back it will have turned into an iPhone. So life might evolve just as technology evolves but it does not mean life can spontaneously just happen. If it could just happen anywhere in the universe then there would be advanced beings appearing anywhere in the universe any time after enough time had passed and calling most advanced ones gods would be fair but calling just one of these God the god and creator of them all would be silly. Intelligent people see our failure to find other lifeforms and question the idea life can just appear on its own. The theistic records of a supreme being creating other beings and making Himself known to them here on Earth, a special planet, is upheld by looking at Science with circumspection and good discernment of truth.

Friday, 6 September 2019

Why do people find prayer ridiculous?

Too easily people dismiss things as ridiculous just because clear information about it is hard to find and inaccessible in some way. A subject hard to understand needs lots of explicit information to build an understanding. But a subject mainly consisting of tacit knowledge often has scarce explicit knowledge available. Communication is little understood because a lot happens beyond the words and the words have many layers of usage and meaning. I might call street slang ridiculous because it is inaccessible to me. The urban slang dictionary helps and I realise it is not at all ridiculous really. Praying is easy for a believing child. I know because as a child I prayed whenever I needed help and it always, always came and always in good time. I cannot explain why it was easy though so it might be dismissed by others as ridiculous because they find knowledge about it inaccessible. I prayed to God and to Jesus but mainly to God (The Father). I did believe in Jesus and sometimes in my dreams He stood nearby to protect me from bullies from school such as one time on a school bus. That is how I knew Him - from dreams. I dared to speak up for Him in school such as in religious studies classes and got bullied for it and for refusing to smoke or swear or flout authority. So my prayers were heard. It was not at all ridiculous and I became top student and a respected mentor. Always I knew it was God lifting me up. I was naughty too and ashamed that everyone thought me always good. I lied. A lot. I could not help myself. I got baptised but still could not stop. One day in my late teens or early twenties (I can never work out when it was) I saw a street preacher put the words “Christ died for you” on a whiteboard and I asked the preacher for advice. When he prayed with me in a nearby church there was supernatural power teaching me not to lie and I stopped from then on. That was the Holy Spirit and the power of the Gospel (those words on the board).

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

The Council of Nicea

Amazing how undecided they were about which philosophical model to choose to explain truth. They should have been adhering to truth but they wanted orthodoxy instead and there were two main candidates and they chose one and then chose the other and back and forth. The silly churches have been doing this ever since. They should just become disciples to learn rather than insisting on becoming teachers before they have been disciples.

Science and Atheism

Science contradicts Atheism. Science makes Atheism look like an impossible fallacy. Evolution and the age of the Cosmos are tenets of Science. Combine the two and the idea that there are no gods becomes infinitessimally likely - virtually impossible. Given how long life took to evolve (Science says) on Earth and given the number of planets in the Cosmos and age of the Cosmos and how advanced humans have become in the past five thousand years, Science forces a conclusion that there must be billions of sentient life forms in existence for much longer than us. Even just ten thousand years of advancement would see humans colonising planets they have terraformed and creating lifeforms there which are well adapted to the planet. With billions of more advanced lifeforms (use Carl Sagan’s theories to work it out) in the Universe there is near certainty this planet was populated like this and zero plausibility scientifically saying it wasn’t. Out of all such advanced beings there would be many scientifically speaking bearing all the characteristics that define gods. If you remove macro-evolution the picture changes and Science and Atheism have more chance of alignment but then so do Science and Religion. Ultimately Science and Atheism have a long way to go before any chance of alignment or complete parting of company. We need a more realistic approach. The life and teachings of Jesus Christ provide the best approach to learning the real truth we need within our actual lifetimes. 

Monday, 2 September 2019

The gods’ God

It is a common misunderstanding of monotheism that it insists on only one god existing. Both Judaism and Christianity have scriptures that insist there are many gods. But only one is The Father over all gods - YHWH. He is the God who higher than all the gods. He is these gods’ God. Their Father. This was in ancient times of the Stone Age how they saw AN. The most high God. DINGIR. Later called EL. Judaism and Christianity took it further but did not contradict the original Dingristic religion. It continues today as Tengrism and as the Chinese ancient religion. This belief in DINGIR (AN, EL) was the religion of Enoch. In genuine Christian truth this God, to prove He is the other gods’ God and their Father, sent the very topmost of these gods, the Son of Man, to us to show obedience to this God, to show if even He the Son of Man regards this God as His God and His Father (to the extent that He would die in obedience to Him) then this God is indeed in truth the God over all gods and Father over all gods.