
Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Science and Atheism

Science contradicts Atheism. Science makes Atheism look like an impossible fallacy. Evolution and the age of the Cosmos are tenets of Science. Combine the two and the idea that there are no gods becomes infinitessimally likely - virtually impossible. Given how long life took to evolve (Science says) on Earth and given the number of planets in the Cosmos and age of the Cosmos and how advanced humans have become in the past five thousand years, Science forces a conclusion that there must be billions of sentient life forms in existence for much longer than us. Even just ten thousand years of advancement would see humans colonising planets they have terraformed and creating lifeforms there which are well adapted to the planet. With billions of more advanced lifeforms (use Carl Sagan’s theories to work it out) in the Universe there is near certainty this planet was populated like this and zero plausibility scientifically saying it wasn’t. Out of all such advanced beings there would be many scientifically speaking bearing all the characteristics that define gods. If you remove macro-evolution the picture changes and Science and Atheism have more chance of alignment but then so do Science and Religion. Ultimately Science and Atheism have a long way to go before any chance of alignment or complete parting of company. We need a more realistic approach. The life and teachings of Jesus Christ provide the best approach to learning the real truth we need within our actual lifetimes.