
Monday, 16 September 2019

How it all began

God must have survived the Big Bang if there was such a thing - along with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. They must have existed before Time itself became what we think of as Time today. (Was Time real before the Big Bang? If not, how could there be a before and after the Big Bang if there was no time until after it?) They, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, must have existed as something (‘spirit’) that is not part of the universe that did not exist back then. What must have existed though is their faith and hope and love between each other; then any other spirits they created which are not part of the Big Bang universe. Then order must have existed, coming into existence, like Heraclitus and the Stoics said, as the ledger of balances that transcends all things - the laws of nature - human-comprehendible, mathematically-expressable laws as Pythagoras pointed out - based on the Logos, preincarnate Jesus. And as nature started to exist it must from the start have obeyed such laws and all in the power of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Logos, the Son of Man. And nature has never departed from this way since then, always functioning, like a true Christian, by the power of putting into practice the teachings of the Christ, the Son of Man. So it is natural to do the same, putting into practice what He said. If He says it, such is His reputation, it is good to rely on that reputation and do it. Such is the power of His name.