Could it be that Darwin proved Atheism wrong? Theism too? If life evolves then fine but if it evolves from inanimate matter spontaneously over billions of years Atheism and Theism are disproved. In reality though we can call technological advances ‘evolution’. It clearly doesn’t mean if you leave a iPod in a room long enough and come back it will have turned into an iPhone. So life might evolve just as technology evolves but it does not mean life can spontaneously just happen. If it could just happen anywhere in the universe then there would be advanced beings appearing anywhere in the universe any time after enough time had passed and calling most advanced ones gods would be fair but calling just one of these God the god and creator of them all would be silly. Intelligent people see our failure to find other lifeforms and question the idea life can just appear on its own. The theistic records of a supreme being creating other beings and making Himself known to them here on Earth, a special planet, is upheld by looking at Science with circumspection and good discernment of truth.