
Friday, 6 September 2019

Why do people find prayer ridiculous?

Too easily people dismiss things as ridiculous just because clear information about it is hard to find and inaccessible in some way. A subject hard to understand needs lots of explicit information to build an understanding. But a subject mainly consisting of tacit knowledge often has scarce explicit knowledge available. Communication is little understood because a lot happens beyond the words and the words have many layers of usage and meaning. I might call street slang ridiculous because it is inaccessible to me. The urban slang dictionary helps and I realise it is not at all ridiculous really. Praying is easy for a believing child. I know because as a child I prayed whenever I needed help and it always, always came and always in good time. I cannot explain why it was easy though so it might be dismissed by others as ridiculous because they find knowledge about it inaccessible. I prayed to God and to Jesus but mainly to God (The Father). I did believe in Jesus and sometimes in my dreams He stood nearby to protect me from bullies from school such as one time on a school bus. That is how I knew Him - from dreams. I dared to speak up for Him in school such as in religious studies classes and got bullied for it and for refusing to smoke or swear or flout authority. So my prayers were heard. It was not at all ridiculous and I became top student and a respected mentor. Always I knew it was God lifting me up. I was naughty too and ashamed that everyone thought me always good. I lied. A lot. I could not help myself. I got baptised but still could not stop. One day in my late teens or early twenties (I can never work out when it was) I saw a street preacher put the words “Christ died for you” on a whiteboard and I asked the preacher for advice. When he prayed with me in a nearby church there was supernatural power teaching me not to lie and I stopped from then on. That was the Holy Spirit and the power of the Gospel (those words on the board).