
Wednesday, 15 July 2020

How old is Jesus?

It is extremely remarkable (and therefore hard to believe because it is rare for things to be so remarkable) that Jesus actually is, right now. Even those who believe this because of the resurrection, yet deny the existence Jesus had before conception,  have to concede this means extreme longevity, and never dying or ceasing to exist in the future means such longevity only increases. Personally I find the evidence compelling that Jesus existed an extremely long time even before conception as a being similar to angels yet far more like a human than they are and in a more special sense the Son of God the Father. John the Baptist is recorded in gospel of Apostle John as having said Jesus is greater than him because Jesus existed before him, despite John having been born before Jesus, and Jesus said “Before Abraham was born, I am”. Daniel the prophet saw one exactly matching Apostle John’s Revelation description of Jesus. The Book of Enoch said Enoch went up to the Son of Man and gives descriptions of the Son of Man which match Jesus. The name power and authority over all Nature ascribed to Jesus by the Holy Spirit only makes sense for a person, a being, existing from before the beginning of Nature. Apostolic statements affirm this.