It is a misconception that the Bible comprehensively describes the faith of Christianity. There are important aspects of this faith which are only very briefly mentioned and only believing itself provides the clarity of what those verses mean to make them unambiguous to the believer. For more comprehensive descriptions of the Christian faith it is necessary to look at books of scripture such as the Book of Enoch excluded from the sixty-six book Bible and included in less known canons such as the Ethiopian Orthodox greater canon and other sources such as the Dead Sea Scrolls. On certain matters of belief it is necessary to refer to later Christian writings. Indeed much of the modern norm of Christian doctrine is not found in scripture at all. So scripture has only ever provided a springboard and reference for major Christian beliefs. Many believers claim their beliefs come as much from the work of the Holy Spirit among them as they do from the Bible. Of course there are questions as to how much other influences have crafted doctrines, and limits of a sixty-six Book Bible might account for divisions over debated doctrines and dogmas.