
Sunday, 26 July 2020

Son of Man

The Book of Enoch repeatedly teaches us about the Son of Man. Jesus repeatedly called Himself the Son of Man. The Book of Daniel chapter 7 links the Son of Man with the Book of Enoch. It describes the Son of Man just the same way Enoch did using such similar words and concepts that they could not be coincidence. Revelation chapter 1 links Jesus with the Son of Man in the Book of Daniel chapter 10. It describes Jesus just the same way Daniel described the Son of Man using such similar words and concepts that they could not be coincidence. So this Son of Man is the same in all three scriptures and is Jesus. So what is so important about the term Son of Man applied to Jesus? Jesus’ own teachings tell how the reason God gives Him authority to judge is because He is the Son of Man. In scriptures we see God makes His teachings targeted at all of us no matter what stage we are in life. God takes this to the ultimate degree by targeting the very beginning of human life. So He made His Son start from the very beginning of what it is to be the tiniest stage of human life and grow from there to bring God’s teaching to all making it relevant and fit for the tiniest human to the greatest. For this Jesus became what a son of man is. A cell growing to an foetus to a baby to a child to an adult. So God can put everything into Jesus that He wants to give for the benefit of humans. All authority, all of the Holy Spirit, all of His glory, all of His life, even the life force authority to raise the dead. All because Jesus is the Son of Man. But Jesus had to be human unto death. Yet also human unto resurrection from the dead. And now Lord to fill the universe with His authority and glory. Do you believe all this? You need to believe it.