
Sunday, 5 July 2020


The idea of living nowadays by the Torah, the Old Testament Law, is not understood by those who teach it. The Law imposed a slavery system on Israelites by requiring the execution of family members or even entire villages who stopped worshipping God and starting worshipping gods of other nations instead. This harshness is little known even though it is hidden away in the Old Testament. The answer was the coming of a mediator who would stand between humans and the Father who commanded this harsh imposition of Law. The alternative these days is to imply there is a distinction between the God seen in the Law and the Father worshipped in Christianity. That is not the way Christ taught. Rather we can acknowledge this God is the Father and is one throughout history but the mediation of Christ mitigates this harsh scenario by providing a once-and-for-all crucifixion sacrifice of His blood and pleading for mercy on our behalf, just as is recorded in the beginning of John chapter 8 regarding the way Jesus mediated for a woman about to be legally stoned for adultery according to the harsh Law, the Torah. He is alive forever now to continually mediate this way, setting before God the sacrifice He has made by God’s loving will.