It is important that we live in the light. As we go about our activities, it is important that the memories of inspirational teachings and sayings which guide us are dependable and good, such that they can be called ‘light’. Various sources of light from the past surely include the Book of Enoch. It contains important information about how modern life originated in the time of the most ancient dawn of civilisation. Look at almost any aspect of the culture, tools, advertising, politics and teachings which strive to guide us and we are likely to find the origins of it, the germ of it, described in the Book of Enoch. Even apostles of Jesus Christ and very likely Jesus Christ Himself, leaned on the sayings of the Book of Enoch, which the Dead Sea Scrolls indicate was extremely popular as scripture in the time of the gospels. So the gospels reflect this influence. The gospels reflect the sayings we find in the Book of Enoch and elaborate on them and augment them. So we get a multiplication of the light source to shed light on our activities today. We find that many aspects of culture around us, on which we might have been raised and educated, have murky origins. The origins of much of our modern life were not at all endorsed by God but condemned as harmful to the wellbeing and good progress of civilisation. Yet somehow those influences have risen to great prominence today. As the saying of Jesus says, “What is highly prized among men is detestable in the sight of God”. Armed with the Book of Enoch and the Gospels absorbed by attentive reading into our hearts we have light that can guide us away from such things and leave us more open to what is more healthy for our lives. It also shows up the strong influences of society. Much of the modern world dogma depends on ancient practices which were warned against by these teachings of the light. Various unhealthy sectarian practices have merged over centuries, some over the millennia, to produce what politicians, school teachers, parents, guardians, influencers, fashionistas, scientists and religious leaders tell us are essential for our lives today. One day these things will be brought down like humbled mountains and despised but more worthy light exalted like the valley which is raised up. Then the glory of the Lord will be revealed. Until then we have these prophetic books as a light in the darkness. This light we should let come to mind in what we do to spur us on or hold us back or steer us aside to keep us from harm and from unethical pursuits. But do not expect much help from society. More likely we will lead society and rule, teaching the next generation, with God’s favour, which we can put above the favour of Society.