Maybe everyone today has heard of inspiration. Inspired songs. Inspired inventions. Inspired geniuses, inspired scriptures. There is a very special kind of inspiration throughout history since most ancient times: the heavenly inspirer who is the Christ, the spirit of the Christ. In Hebrew scriptures and other holy scriptures there are several notable passages where this inspirer is evident. In Isaiah’s prophecies, Daniel’s prophecies, Enoch’s prophecies and of course, when this Christ had come in the flesh, in the Gospels and other scriptures we call the New Testament. These all are the inspiration of one person, the person named in more recent history ‘Jesus’, ‘Yeshua’, ‘Isa’ but throughout history evidently manifest by the Spirit of Christ working in events, prophets and other writers of scriptural psalms and chronicles. The Book of Enoch has some of the most striking of all such passages in the section in the middle which we call the Parables, or the Similitudes. Here the formulation of the person of the Son of Man is revealed. The same person is mentioned a lot in the New Testament scriptures. Jesus spoke about this persona, this most important being, in the third person, to better put across the concept of the existence of the Son of Man and the implications of this for all humanity.