
Saturday, 24 July 2021

The Law and the Commands

 The Mosaic Law is for a society bound by that law and includes many things of social, not just individual, implication, for that special society. For example, working on Saturday is made illegal for that whole society, not just a matter of conscience and personal devotion. Straying as a society or village or town from that law becomes a capital offence punishable legally by death. God has commands for all people, not just for that special social group. God has commands for another social group too. These could be called law too, but constitute a separate system, the Kingdom of God.  There are commands of God which do not only apply to Jews. We can seek them out and apply them to ourselves. The Good Samaritan principle is one. The greatest command is love. Love God. Love those looking out for you and those needing you to look out for them. The command for the putting off of vice is essential in this Kingdom of God. It is essentially a putting off of lying and hating and a putting on of truthful speech and love. That is where to start and that is a great goal to aim for too. Immorality is to be put aside too. This is the way of truth we find in Christ Jesus.