
Monday, 26 July 2021

Nature’s underpinning

A mysterious gospel teaching found in the Book of Enoch is how the name of the Son of Man was intertwined thousands of years ago by angels into the fabric of what holds Nature together, into the very basis of Nature which is called the Oath. An Oath honoured among the angels who govern Nature. Today the authority of the Son of Man’s ‘Name’, the authority of His teachings, His way of living, His noble reputation, underlies all of the natural world. In the Book of Enoch, it explains that this came about because the angels governing Nature needed to shore up, to underpin, to strengthen the way Nature is governed, for which God had made ‘the Oath’ (all most mysterious), and this strengthening was needed because there was a danger of it all being undermined by the evils resulting from angels falling and teaching worthless teachings to humans. Today we do witness Nature and the order of our planet being undermined by the knowledge of Mankind, the technologies and sciences of industrialisation and human advancement. Species are wiped out, ecological balances are disturbed. The angels needing to address this initially had to give extra power to their basis of government of Nature. They used the good teachings and reputation, the Name, of the Son of Man. Fallen angels undermined the governance work of faithful angels whose work it is to keep balance and order in the Natural World. Jesus’ reputational authority alone could bring the balance back. His teachings have the necessary authority and reputation to bring order and stability. If we were in charge of maintaining global order and Nature’s order we would need to be sure what logic to be using. For that the angels of heaven use the logic found in Jesus raised from the dead by God to assure them (and us if we believe it) that this is the primary Name to use and represents the very best reliability which God has available. I get situations in my work where bad practices are best overcome using teachings of Jesus. So I can appreciate how it would be this way, from ancient times, in heaven. This Son of Man, whose good teachings and reputation the angels use to redress the undermining of the governing of Nature which was caused by the fallen angels, this Son of Man is the one who God sent into our world for us, bringing Mankind that name, those teachings of great reliability and reputation, that name given formerly among angels. Yet this Son of Man was slain by men. Nevertheless He was resurrected from death by God to continue saving and to preside over the judgment of us all. He is coming in the clouds of heaven and all will see Him soon.