The Enoch prophecy of the dabela or billy goat is a little known prophecy of our times or near future times. The Book of Enoch was preserved mainly and most completely in the sacred ancient Ethiopian language Ge’ez, similar to Hebrew but written in Amharic-like script. This made it hard for Westerners to translate it two hundred years ago and the Ge’ez word for billy-goat, or he-goat was left untranslated as dabela. The prophecy foretold future events using analogy of animals for key people, where sheep are the righteous, other domestic animals are innocent in comparison to fierce aggressors known for unbridled oppressive violence which are depicted as preying animals such as lions and eagles. So a he-goat is a strong defensively aggressive but relatively innocent ruler. The prophecy of end times shows sheep being widely persecuted and living under threat and frequent attacks from eagles and other birds of prey attacking from above but there arises a protecting champion for them who rebuts the attackers and cannot be defeated even when all the world seems to try to destroy him. A sword is given to help the fending off of attackers and to defend the sheep against oppressors. Eventually heaven comes to his aid. This is all part of events leading up to a time of heavenly judgment and the rise of righteousness and judgment of angelic dark forces which are behind the persecutions. This has strong consistency with events today.