How Christian is a tree? Answer: very Christian, and that is how it grows and buds and produces leaves.
When I was young I learned in Biology classes about the biochemical cycles of plants and their photosynthesis. It compelled me towards a university degree in Biochemistry, in which I was bitterly disappointed. The true instruction we might seek comes not from the wise of this world who know not God and who keep not God in their knowledge. God selects, elects, some of us to be instructed in His creation by the Holy Spirit. Such a privilege. The Holy Spirit gives instruction through spiritual gifts such as messages given in angelic language and supernaturally interpreted - gifts known in scripture as the charismata. It is by such gifts that I was once instructed about the trees, and planets and the creations such as these, that the tree buds do their growing and the planets do their moving through the power of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. To my mind it is as though Natural things are really deep down in their workings effectively Christian. The name of Jesus is the true facts that Jesus is a faithful witness of the fatherhood of God and that Jesus is firstborn of the children in the family God fathers as His own. The Lord Jesus bears witness having risen from the dead, alive forever. This and Jesus’ teachings and ways and miraculous works are all part and parcel of His name, what He stands for and is known for. This underpins the very fabric of Nature and keeps the planet going round. To have such instruction is a great privilege and is a sign of election. Living up to this can make it sure. Hold to Jesus’ teachings, believing who He is. That is the way that leads to all truth. The truth sets free from sin’s dominion. This leads to eternal life, eternal life which is in Jesus the Son of God. The ancient prophet Enoch foretold these things and wrote about the angelic oath underpinning Nature and the weaving of the name of the Son of Man into this oath. Only together with us is Enoch now made perfect. Enoch is with us in our fellowship as we hear these instructive counsels from the Holy Spirit in our churches or read them and receive them in the persuasion of faith.