
Friday, 18 March 2022

When a new Empire arises

 Zion is more than an ideal or a symbol. We have in the world today a glory of empire days of first Rome with its dominus status and its Renaissance, which gave way, in a shifting of power to other parts of Europe, with multiple empires rising with the Holy Roman Empire, and then successive empires continuing in its wake. Coronations in these empires have all been glorious. Even in the wake of waning empires, vestiges of that past glory remains. Globalisation distributes that glory around the world and magnifies its skill. technology and spirited positivity. Yet this is nothing like the new coming empire which will arise after the dark empires have had their day. Today we have the darkness of night which will last a while longer and our children might see the worst of it. That continuing darkness will have glory in its evoking of past empires and its reviving of their futility and vanity, with great fanfare and flourish. Yet there is coming a Zion. A new kind of Israel, not based on any worldly state but on a promise, will gain the status of having a great coronation. The true Israel will come out from the Babylon of past empires and their heirs. This new Israel, which already exists invisibly, will have as its king the anointed one appointed to be son of God on Earth, the true Christ. The coronation glory will outshine anything before. Yet the rising empire of this new king, the lord we know to be Jesus Christ, will not be meek and mild but powerful to the overthrowing of dark powers and setting aside of blind guides. Terrible in might, glorious in wisdom, truth and love. Darkness will perish and shadows vanish. A true way of holiness will be established to truly last. This will be a Zion. It will be the rule of all under subjection to God Himself brought about by the rule of the only begotten of God. Come Lord Jesus.