
Monday, 7 March 2022


 There are various kinds of people shouting out vehemence against Russia right now. Clearly some voices rise above others. God is above the vehemence, though and we should not confuse ourselves into thinking God takes sides along partisan lines. God’s love comes alongside even those we tend to readily condemn. God looks at the accused the way Jesus looked at the woman caught in adultery when Jesus said “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone”. It is horrific to have the crowd baying for your blood but Jesus did not side with that crowd but sided with restoration of the one accused. Then come the words, “If you adhere to my words you are truly my disciple”. It is not the one who shouts Lord, Lord who is the true disciple but the one who gives Jesus’ words central place in their thinking who is set free by being a true follower of Jesus Christ. “Go and sin no more.”