
Monday, 10 October 2022

End from the beginning - cause and effect

 The way heavenly things happen is mysterious but not altogether secret. The balances of natural things and events can be maintained from outside of the material universe. The divine ability includes the ability to nudge natural events to push them into a planned outcome. Some events we would think ought to be random: Shuffling a deck of cards; tossing a dice; genetic chromosomes being distributed during sexual reproduction; words picked by a speech writer; movement of molecules in a gas; diffraction of light; all kinds of events we think tend to be random and uncontrolled. God can determine what happens in these events and does so. "Does God throw dice?" Perhaps not but determining the outcome of a throwing of dice is certainly God's kind of thing. So chain long sequences of such events together and you get plenty of room for achieving a planned outcome on a larger scale. God is God who sees the end from the beginning and much of what God sees is under His power to influence and to cause very long term outcomes over thousands, millions of years. God has huge timescales in His scope. We cannot really imagine this. Even Christ does not have access to all the knowledge of long-term event sequences that God the Father has access to. Christ's spirit somehow stretches across centuries and even millennia yet the Father is greater and the Father alone sees the end from the beginning and reveals some of this to His Son.