
Saturday, 1 October 2022

They did not repent of their murders

 As I look today at what is happening and going to happen over the coming hours in Lyman in Ukraine, as Ukrainian troops move into the city where civilians had no time to flee. Look at what they will do, perhaps doing right now, to civilians who were previously under Russian control. Think what King Saul did to those who helped David, if you know that part of the Bible. West leaders and West Christians support all this openly, even announcing support in church services: Those who have a dog which maims and kills people and who do nothing to stop it or put it down, they are liable for what that dog keeps doing. Support Ukraine? you cannot be in fellowship with Christ and with his disciples and keep being in charge of this dog without stopping its atrocities. "They did not repent of their murders" says the book of Revelation. This is Christians supporting such things. They are all unwelcome in the true churches of Christ, or should be unwelcome and shunned. Cancel culture is often silly but this is deadly serious. Even those at the top should be handed over to Satan, if they profess to be brothers in Christ but support these atrocities.