Notice how there are two different Natures, two different natural worlds. There is the Nature that is humans, There is the Nature that is everything else. The humans have a broken Nature, that does not do what God requires. The rest of Nature does obey God day after day. It is quite noticeable how, if look at things in a kind of spiritual way, you can be inspired by looking at how Nature works and how marvellous it all is, until you look at the humans' world of Nature, the way humans behave and the kind of inspiration you get from humans usually - full of fear of criticism, fear of not conforming even when conforming is daft, fear to show your true self which leads to foolishly putting on appearances of being better than you are, and fear to do what is right in case it gets disapproval - all this fear and how it distorts behaviour and warps us and how this affects us in our social environment. Folly of humans affects all we do. Look at how Nature beyond the human world, in the natural world is so much more worthy than us. Even the angels invisible around us must pour scorn on our disappointing world of humanity and wonder when finally humans will learn to live more honourably. Shame on us. Consider the birds, as Jesus and Bob Marley told us, and how their message to us is not to worry. Consider the trees how they drop their leaves at the right time of year and still manage to produce leaves again just months later (unless their are coniferous of course). Consider how orderly the planets are in their orbits around the Sun and consider the stars keeping their paths as the Earth rotates so faithfully, all constantly keeping its natural order. One day God will put things right, but how many of us will He have to discard in doing so, throwing out our souls like salt that has lost its saltiness? Jesus save us while we are still saveable.