As darkness spreads across the world, there are many who rely on circumcision of the body for their religious standing and these people need to tread carefully right now. There are dark forces who pressure them to join in the eradication of those the dark forces hate. If the circumcised hate like the haters then those haters might spare them, but God won't. God sees the hatred and calls it sin. God sees the failure to deal with this hatred and He calls that sin too. Those circumcised in the flesh are caught in the middle, between God and the devil. Between love and hate. If they choose to hate, the haters might let them survive a hateful purge the haters are starting. If the circumcised fight like the Allies fought this hatred in WW2, to stop the purge, and as a result they get purged they are not condemned. Now there are also those who by faith have resisted circumcision and rely on Christ and his grace, and these are better off. Grace saves them. Having grace, they can escape the evil that is coming. But many who seem to live by grace are giving in and letting the haters walk all over them. If they hate along with the haters, they will have to be handed over to Satan who is father of haters. The father of haters will deal with their complicity in the hate. As accessories to genocide it will be the end of them. But their spirits will be saved by grace. They are better off with grace than with circumcision.