
Wednesday, 12 April 2023

AI Chat summary on sorcery and modern medicine


  1. The meaning of the Greek word "pharmakeia" and its connection to the words "pharmacy" and "sorcery".
  2. The use of the word "sorcery" in the English translation of the Bible, specifically in Revelation 21:8.
  3. The historical link between the practice of medicine and sorcery, including the fact that many early practitioners of modern medicine were also involved in alchemy and the occult.
  4. The possible connection between the criminalization of witchcraft and the development of modern medicine.
  5. The role of the printing press and censorship by churches in the dissemination of knowledge about medicine and the occult.
  6. The possible origins of chemistry in the teachings of fallen angels, as described in the Book of Enoch.
  7. The relationship between alchemy and chemistry, and how early alchemists were also involved in the occult.
  8. The origins of the Royal Society and its possible connection to the Rosicrucian Invisible College.
  9. The use of plants and other natural substances in traditional medicine, and their potential for healing.
  10. The impact of the pharmaceutical industry on modern medicine and healthcare.
  11. The potential for natural remedies and alternative medicine to complement traditional medical treatments.
  12. The ongoing debate over the role of science and spirituality in understanding health and wellness, including the role of sorcery and the supernatural in traditional medicine.
Chat GPT v3, April 2023 Chat summarised here by this AI app