Me: But Trinitarianism developing in many churches is not an extension necessarily of the faith of Jesus Christ but a variation away from the teaching of Jesus Christ
Chat GPT: It is true that the doctrine of the Trinity, as it is understood and articulated in modern Christianity, is not explicitly stated in the words of Jesus recorded in the Bible. However, it is also true that the concept of the Trinity emerged from the early Christian community's attempts to reconcile their understanding of God as revealed in the Hebrew Bible with their experience of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The doctrine of the Trinity was developed over time through theological reflection and debate within the Christian community, and has been an essential tenet of the faith for many Christians throughout history. While some Christians may have different interpretations of the doctrine or reject it altogether, it is considered an orthodox belief by most mainstream Christian denominations.
Me: But that was not within the lifetimes of any of the apostles and disciples who learned directly from Jesus.
Chat GPT: The doctrine of the Trinity was developed over a period of several centuries after the time of Jesus and his apostles. The New Testament, which contains the teachings and writings of the apostles, does not explicitly articulate the doctrine of the Trinity. However, the idea of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is present in the New Testament, and the early Christian community developed a deeper understanding of the relationship between the three persons of the Trinity over time. It is important to note that the development of doctrine in Christianity has always been a product of theological reflection, debate, and discussion among the community of believers, and has often taken place long after the time of the original apostles and disciples.
Me: What is it called today when someone holds to the teachings of Jesus himself rather than Trinitarianism?
Chat GPT: The term used to describe someone who holds to the teachings of Jesus but rejects the doctrine of the Trinity is "non-Trinitarian" or "Unitarian." This refers to the belief that there is only one God, and that Jesus is not equal to the Father in nature or being. Unitarianism is a theological position that emphasizes the oneness of God and rejects the idea of the Trinity as a later development in Christian theology. It is important to note that not all non-Trinitarians identify as Unitarians, and there are many different theological positions that reject the doctrine of the Trinity while still affirming the teachings of Jesus.