The holy Book of Enoch is a great book that we are very fortunate to have translated into English. It warns us that angels are always present and ready to deal with liars, those who cause harm to others, unfaithful people, and those who are treacherous. Nowadays, lying and treachery take many forms, and many of us are closely connected to vices and negative behaviors. Violence is also highlighted in the Book of Enoch as a sure way to get close to the dark side.
Jude in the New Testament calls Enoch the seventh from Adam, who mentions the masses of angels following Jesus, the Son of Man chosen to lead judgment of us all. Those who do not change their ways and turn from wickedness will be rid of by these angels and Jesus. It's time to change our ways now, before that day comes. But, if we don't believe in Jesus as the Son of God, we will die in our sins. It's important to believe and hold tight to his teachings before it's too late.