
Saturday, 29 April 2023

Elemental Spirits, Divine Will, or the Hypocritical Rules-Based Order

We are supposed to either be spiritual nowadays or Christian or conform to the rules based order. In my understanding, spirituality involves harmonizing one's desires or intentions with the natural world or the universe's energies. This is often accomplished by seeking alignment with the will of elemental spirits and concepts like auspiciousness. Conversely, religions like Christianity and other faiths focus on aligning actions, thoughts, and willpower with the teachings of great human teachers like Christ Jesus and his apostles, who are believed to be sent by God. These religions maintain that even the natural world conforms to divine will. The spirituality spectrum has two ends: one that emphasizes elemental spirits, and the other that emphasizes submission to divine will. In between these two extremes lies a hypocritical, rule-based order that falls short of God's will but transcends enslavement to elemental spirits.