When Jesus raised Lazarus, he had been away, then he came to the house of Lazarus days after Lazarus died. God worked in it to teach a lesson. His Son would be away for a while. We would die. He would then return. We must still believe despite this. The lesson was in how Jesus then called forth Lazarus. Lazarus, though dead, heard that voice of the Son of Man and life was given back to him and his flesh and blood given life. So he stepped out of his tomb, which Jesus had commanded be opened. This is the lesson from the Father. That same thing, the Father is testifying, will happen when Jesus Christ returns. The dead will hear his voice and those who hear will live. This lesson is for us water and food from heaven, The water is this word of the Father’s testimony. The food is to do the Father’s will by believing in this Jesus, the resurrection Jesus.
Monday, 28 August 2023
The eagle is overhead
UK and USA would like (led by Neocons) to attack Iran like they attacked Serbia, Iraq, Libya, Mali, and Syria. But Russia might stop this extreme evil by helping Iran like it has helped Syria. The objective behind USA and UK attacks on those countries has been to afford security to Israel. Most of these attacked countries threatened Israel security. (Odd how Balkan Muslim countries were actually defended by NATO rather than attacked.) Russia might see it differently and see USA UK alliance against these countries as going too far when the countries are actually attacked proactively like this, rather than USA waiting for Israel to be all-out attacked. So Russia does not join in but helps the nations being attacked. Therefore the Neocons use sanctions and military supply and go all out in support of Ukraine against Russia, trying to do all they can to attack Russia too while stopping short of nuclear war. Russia cannot risk nuclear war either, so it too uses its non-nuclear options in all out opposition. That includes diplomatic options and economic ones such as BRICS. Russia is proving successful and USA unsuccessful, so USA, to continue to guarantee security to Israel now that other options are exhausted and nuclear options are unacceptable, must try to win over Russia. I think USA might first have to denounce its aggressive approach, its approach of attacking before waiting for Israel to be attacked, and repent of its past invasions. If this is too demeaning for it, the nuclear alternative might look attractive to USA and Neocons instead. The eagle is overhead.
Sunday, 27 August 2023
How Western Russophobia is a security threat to Israel
UK and US have taken on, one by one, since the nineties, the key nations antagonistic to Israel: Iraq, Libya, Syria. Stopping short of Iran because that is not feasible and Russia siding with Iran would bring in a nuclear dimension. The thinking has been apparent that this is part of giving security guarantees to Israel. Oil has been important but only as the spoils needed to fund these wars. Lies were used, with the thinking that the need justified them. Iran could gain nuclear weapons soon so the clock has been ticking. Now Ukraine ebbing counteroffensives must be indicating to the West, to NATO, that all its attempts to go up against Russia with sanctions and proxy conventional war are ineffective. Now Neocons, their think tanks and the UK and US leaders need to now take it on board that they cannot give security guarantees to Israel without reconciling with Russia. Russophobia means an attack on Israel with Russia’s help would mean protective action by UK and US and NATO would only be viable if it were nuclear because the evidence now suggests that it is ineffective if conventional and sanctions methods are used. So if Russia cannot be effectively defended against by UK and US in protection of Israel without it going nuclear then Russia has to be on board with protecting Israel if Iran and Syria and Libya and Iraq and any anti-Israel Balkans joined forces to attack Israel.
Ukraine biolabs? The USA was brought in by post-Soviet Russia to try to decommission Ukraine (former Soviet) biolabs to prevent bad actors getting the secrets in them. Well the long and short is that this appears to have been a big mistake, because it seems to be becoming evident that USA itself might be a bad actor.
Saturday, 26 August 2023
Poor Israel surrounded by BRICS. A bit of a foreboding ring to that. G7 unlikely to be much consolation.
Some Geopolitical Analysis
USA has kindly hosted many things important for civilisation. It grew to regard this as its role, or part of its role (the part more easy to appreciate). But it seemed to only be supported by notional foundations, by bluff, such as the dollar based on no real valuable asset, and the notion of entitlement. So it seems unlikely to be a long term viable host for the pillars of civilisation. BRICS is looking viable as an alternative. But will it be a willing host of the artefacts and institutions needed for civilisation? That still remains to be seen. And it nows has an axe to grind which might worsen as the USA-aligned nations get ideas about imposing sanctions on anyone in BRICS, a notion they will doubtless entertain eventually if not already. Will BRICS be willing to provide such hosting and institutions for all of civilisation? India and Russia are hinting at preparedness this week with lunar projects for the good of humankind as a whole. Maybe this is a viable alternative to the USA. What we need ideally is a multipolar option where two or more ‘poles’ emerge, perhaps still the USA as one of them. Is there room for more than one at the top? That would require maturity and magnanimity.
Right living
What are the daily principles involved in building work and civil engineering, or making aircraft? In a building you have to always check that all the right angles are truly right angles, or else the building won’t be right. No corners can be cut, not lightly, when building a passenger plane. We need to apply the same disciplines in our daily lives and in other avenues of work. An athlete has to stay in lane even if they are not competing at Olympic level. Same goes for motorists. Just do this in other walks of life too. But it helps to have a champion of our daily righteousness, training, saving and correcting us. The spirit of the risen Christ. A Lord and Master to keep us right in every way. The Lord which is Jesus. God will bring final judgement on all through Jesus. God judges many of us even before that time. Most of us err in daily living. Perhaps lying, perhaps not tempering our anger, perhaps not staying moral in our mindset. We need the champion of God’s righteousness to fix those things too. The Holy Spirit comes in and powerfully, miraculously fixes us in response to our taking God at His word, believing when the truth says “Christ died for you”.
Que Bono
Who would benefit the most from lack of clarity and control over borders around Poland and Ukraine? Mafia. Organised crime. The dark side, black markets of EU centred on Rome. 666. DCLXVI. Top to bottom. Who supports this conflict? Que bono. Who benefits? A smuggling corridor gets opened into the EU and its neighbouring nations such as Britain. The same people support this as those who arrest Trump and love monarchy and turn the tables on Giuliani. Who ties it all together? Babylon the Great. The Great Whore of apocalyptic prophecy infamy. Centred on Rome. The Mother of Prostitutes. We need controlled borders to weaken attacks on the lives and morality of this and the next generation, to have transparency of trade, to have monitoring of the transit and trade of all things which the system of organised crime based on Rome wants to exploit for its pharma, narcotics, slave and sex trafficking, black marketeering and all that ruins the lives of our children and makes us end up in the lake of fire. Jesus Christ fights against everything that causes sin. Come Lord Jesus.
Not Rome?
Trump being arrested? Giuliani? And this is not Mafia? This is not Rome? This is not 666? DCLXVI?
Roman numerals
The significance of the Apocalypse number 666, tattooed on those not fearing God, in the dystopian stages of Apocalyptic end times, is mysterious but one hint is that it is actually in Roman numerals of the first century (before M was used for 1000), all of the numerals in sequence, DCLXVI, 666, from largest to smallest. Roman aspects are strongly associated with the Revelation book of prophecy in the biblical canon of accepted holy books in Christianity, although of course Roman involvement in Christianity has been strong since it began in the first century. It does not paint Roman culture and power in a light which makes them look good, which might be one reason some regional councils of the Churches in the Roman Empire tried to ban it and exclude it from their canon of scripture. Rome’s representative in Judea oversaw and authorised the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and Roman soldiers carried it out, and Rome became associated with the opposite of moral values proclaimed by apostles of Jesus Christ. In the last days, says the Apocalypse, the Book of Revelation, the city on seven hills (a characterising of Rome), is identified as such an evil influence on all of the world that God commands people to get away from it so as not to share in its sins and therefore its plagues of punishment. It is particularly called out for its beguiling medical influences on all the nations and their leaders. So to find that 666 is so strongly linked to Rome’s numerical system should come as no surprise.
Thursday, 24 August 2023
Your only hope
Jesus has an answer for the sin of anyone. So he never puts up an obstacle to you and never makes it hard for you to trust him because he knows he is your only hope.
Saturday, 19 August 2023
Apocalyptic timeline
Revelation chapter 22 - c3060/3070 and forever
Revelation chapter 19 - c2060
Revelation chapters 10-19 c2050-2060
Revelation chapters 8-9 c20xx-2050
Note: xx depends on prayers of intercession and on the mercy of God (the higher xx is, the less time of respite there is between apocalyptic horror events, yet it behoves us that these things happen rapidly)
Revelation chapters 6-7 sometime soon until 20xx
Monthly expenses
We can plan out our monthly expenses and ensure we have work so we can afford them, but this does not protect us from getting lured into crime or otherwise ending up doing something that ruins our lives and tips us towards a tragic end. We need to believe in the one sent to save. We need to hold to the teachings and the spirit of this man who died for us on the cross and was raised to live forever. He can keep us out of the traps and misdeeds leading to such a demise, so that we can live. Live a wholesome life. The resurrection is coming.
Friday, 18 August 2023
Apocalyptic events and their future timing
How soon can we expect to see biblical Apocalyptic events unfold? It is feasible that the biblical prophetic book of Revelation is prophesied in chronological order. Traditionally the book is broken down into 22 chapters. I am lucky to have been given insight which has helped me understand other prophecies and they lead me to a strong conviction that Revelation chapter 19 is likely to happen around 2060. (Note that even Sir Isaac Newton formed a similar conclusion after much study and writing a million words on the subject.) Revelation Chapter 10 onwards is events which happen by the clock: No delays. It says this. It seems likely, given all that happens between chapter 10 and chapter 19, that this happens over the course of around a decade. By my convicted belief this I would put as 2050 to 2060. Armageddon-like events are found around chapter 16. So maybe Armageddon happens somewhere around 2052 to 2057. There are empires which rise from chapter 11 onwards until they are defeated by Jesus Christ as prophesied in chapter 19. The first mention of one of the rising empires is in chapter 11. Maybe this starts to rise around 2045, given that rises of empires mentioned in Revelation are like ancient empires coming a second time around. The ancient counterparts of these empires took about a decade to rise the first time, in ancient times (the period from 800 to 500 BC). So a decade, or a little more or less is feasible for the emergence of such empires prophesied in Revelation chapter 11 onwards. They would then find prominence in the world foretold in chapter 11, feasibly around 2050. In contrast to chapter 10 onwards, events of Revelation chapters 8 to 9 could be much more spread out with delays and room for intercession and mercy: Possibly all taking anything from a decade to two decades. More than 30, 40 percent of the world or more is killed in these terrible events. It might, therefore, start around 2030 and be spread out. Or it might start later and be less spread out and hence less merciful. (Less room for respite between the tragedies.) Perhaps this is 2035 onwards. There is much interest in the horsemen of the apocalypse mentioned in chapter 6. These could be 2030 to 2040 or as late as 2035 to 2045. The events with which they are associated seem long term, such as price fixing, conquests, etc.. So a decade for them to unfold seems plausible. Their time might overlap with, act as a backdrop to, events of chapter 8 onwards. If delays are interspersed throughout the later events, these horsemen events might start as early as now: Perhaps within the next few years, 2025 onwards. On the other hand, they could feasibly start a decade or more from now, if the other events of chapters 8 and 9 all horrendously get squashed into just one decade from 2040 to 2050. Chapter 11 foretells events involving a Temple apparently rebuilt in Jerusalem. Just such a Temple is indeed in advanced stages of planning today, in 2023. If the Temple seen standing, rebuilt, in chapter 11 is indeed built within a decade from now, maybe we can breathe easier about what happens after that. A space between each apocalyptic tragedy might be being given us in answer to prayers of intercession. Yet the end events of chapter 19 must happen at their fore-ordained time without delay, according to the plan of God the Father, set down by Him in most ancient times. If nothing happens remotely like events of apocalyptic nature in the next decade, be worried, because they will surely happen but they might happen in fast succession with little reprieve in between. At the start of Revelation the events are introduced as things which it behoves to happen rapidly. Yet it will be nice to catch our breath in between them. That is where there is a need for intercession and a latitude in God’s plans for mercy. What then of our lives today? We can plan out our monthly expenses and ensure we have work so we can afford them, but this does not protect us from getting lured into crime or otherwise ending up doing something that ruins our lives and tips us towards a tragic end. We need to believe in the one sent to save. We need to hold to the teachings and the spirit of this man who died for us on the cross and was raised to live forever. He can keep us out of the traps and misdeeds leading to such a demise, so that we can live. Live a wholesome life. The resurrection is coming.
Thursday, 17 August 2023
Wednesday, 16 August 2023
The sign is the eagle
The sign is the eagle. “Israel has sinned.” The covenant is forsaken. Love God and keep God’s commands. Choose your leaders by the guidance of God.
Sunday, 13 August 2023
The sign
The eagle is over the house. The house has sinned. The eagle’s white eye is watching. “Israel has sinned”
Monday, 7 August 2023
The Prodigal Son
The West needs to look at the parallels between Jesus Christ’s parable of the Prodigal Son, and this situation over Russia. The West is behaving like the second son who could not accept it that the prodigal came home. Other lessons of Jesus warn that if forgiveness is withheld, God too may withdraw it from the ones who do not forgive and do not extend mercy. Yes, USSR committed many sins in the eyes of the West but this is not the time of the USSR. Refusal to accept this fact can push Russia back into that behaviour but worse still is that it can turn the West into something more sinful: and God will likely withhold mercy from the West if the West does not mercifully forgive and open its hearts to the new Russia. We need to realise that Jesus Christ gave his Father’s teachings to us to lead us away from sins that would otherwise destroy us. He is the one who saves us sinners from our sins.
Saturday, 5 August 2023
Do we hear hatefulness or do we hear the voice of love?
For now we see hateful voices triumphing and leading the masses to the cliff edge. Few listen to the still small voice. Yet those few are saved by the loving voice of truth. Over time the power will grow and truth will eventually fill the universe. The resurrection will be the first step when the one already resurrected resurrects the saints. He is the one who started weak and ignored and grows and grows hidden away by God until he cannot be ignored. Then love will be complete. That little cloud that Elijah’s servant saw on Carmel is all we need to know the truth is coming.
Thursday, 3 August 2023
What a thought
Thinking of apocalypse and how near the Lord Jesus is to coming and how not everyone will die from this generation but he will transform many alive today so they do not actually die but are made immortal at his return not more it seems than a few decades from now, perhaps even in my own lifetime (I’m 60): As I think about it, it makes me hope yearningly that loved ones will be found at this coming of Jesus to be truly having faith in him, in his living existence, in the veracity and wise power of his sayings which lead us away from sinning. This is my hope and prayer that he in returning will find many of us believing, and if I have passed away by then, that those still alive will hold to their faith through the terrible times in decades ahead so if they are still alive at his return he will raise them to immortality, along with those who died believing. What a blessed thought to think that many are alive today who will be alive still at his return and out of these there are those who by their holding to his teachings with faith in who he is, they as his disciples will be raised to immortality at his return such that they do not actually die, and then go on forever with those who died worthy are and resurrected by him. Maybe some reading this will never actually die. Come Lord Jesus.
Shhh. Don’t tell the West
Shh. Don’t tell the West
Is it worth telling everyone in the West the small print? That by saying it is OK to support a country killing civilians because they want to be Russian then the same rule will be applied in turn to the West: when they want something contrary to a powerful power’s interest that power might simply bomb our civilians too. We have effectively justified it. (I say “we” but: Not in my name.) Is it worth noting the words of God that Jesus passed on from his Father, God, that “with the measure you use it will be measured to you” and in Revelation that “those who are in favour of killing by the sword will themselves be killed by the sword, those in favour of imprisoning will themselves be imprisoned”, and now the Revelation prayer is fulfilled “Thou oh God are justified when you send all these plagues”. God is justified in giving apocalyptic judgments because people are in favour of supporting those who send bombs on civilians merely because they want to identify as Russian. Open season on the West is the measure returned upon the West for its toleration of what is done against Donetsk and its unrelenting support for the perpetrators. It is in the hands of the merciful God but when Apocalyptic events come on us all, remember we deserve it and God is justified doing it since our governments support bombs upon civilians.#notinmyname