
Sunday, 27 August 2023

How Western Russophobia is a security threat to Israel

 UK and US have taken on, one by one, since the nineties, the key nations antagonistic to Israel: Iraq, Libya, Syria. Stopping short of Iran because that is not feasible and Russia siding with Iran would bring in a nuclear dimension. The thinking has been apparent that this is part of giving security guarantees to Israel. Oil has been important but only as the spoils needed to fund these wars. Lies were used, with the thinking that the need justified them. Iran could gain nuclear weapons soon so the clock has been ticking. Now Ukraine ebbing counteroffensives must be indicating to the West, to NATO, that all its attempts to go up against Russia with sanctions and proxy conventional war are ineffective. Now Neocons, their think tanks and the UK and US leaders need to now take it on board that they cannot give security guarantees to Israel without reconciling with Russia. Russophobia means an attack on Israel with Russia’s help would mean protective action by UK and US and NATO would only be viable if it were nuclear because the evidence now suggests that it is ineffective if conventional and sanctions methods are used. So if Russia cannot be effectively defended against by UK and US in protection of Israel without it going nuclear then Russia has to be on board with protecting Israel if Iran and Syria and Libya and Iraq and any anti-Israel Balkans joined forces to attack Israel.