
Friday, 18 August 2023

Apocalyptic events and their future timing

How soon can we expect to see biblical Apocalyptic events unfold? It is feasible that the biblical prophetic book of Revelation is prophesied in chronological order. Traditionally the book is broken down into 22 chapters. I am lucky to have been given insight which has helped me understand other prophecies and they lead me to a strong conviction that Revelation chapter 19 is likely to happen around 2060. (Note that even Sir Isaac Newton formed a similar conclusion after much study and writing a million words on the subject.) Revelation Chapter 10 onwards is events which happen by the clock: No delays. It says this. It seems likely, given all that happens between chapter 10 and chapter 19, that this happens over the course of around a decade. By my convicted belief this I would put as 2050 to 2060. Armageddon-like events are found around chapter 16. So maybe Armageddon happens somewhere around 2052 to 2057. There are empires which rise from chapter 11 onwards until they are defeated by Jesus Christ as prophesied in chapter 19. The first mention of one of the rising empires is in chapter 11. Maybe this starts to rise around 2045, given that  rises of empires mentioned in Revelation are like ancient empires coming a second time around. The ancient counterparts of these empires took about a decade to rise the first time, in ancient times (the period from 800 to 500 BC). So a decade, or a little more or less is feasible for the emergence of such empires prophesied in Revelation chapter 11 onwards. They would then find prominence in the world foretold in chapter 11, feasibly around 2050. In contrast to chapter 10 onwards, events of Revelation chapters 8 to 9 could be much more spread out with delays and room for intercession and mercy: Possibly all taking anything from a decade to two decades. More than 30, 40 percent of the world or more is killed in these terrible events. It might, therefore, start around 2030 and be spread out. Or it might start later and be less spread out and hence less merciful. (Less room for respite between the tragedies.) Perhaps this is 2035 onwards. There is much interest in the horsemen of the apocalypse mentioned in chapter 6. These could be 2030 to 2040 or as late as 2035 to 2045. The events with which they are associated seem long term, such as price fixing, conquests, etc.. So a decade for them to unfold seems plausible. Their time might overlap with, act as a backdrop to, events of chapter 8 onwards. If delays are interspersed throughout the later events, these horsemen events might start as early as now: Perhaps within the next few years, 2025 onwards. On the other hand, they could feasibly start a decade or more from now, if the other events of chapters 8 and 9 all horrendously get squashed into just one decade from 2040 to 2050. Chapter 11 foretells events involving a Temple apparently rebuilt in Jerusalem. Just such a Temple is indeed in advanced stages of planning today, in 2023. If the Temple seen standing, rebuilt, in chapter 11 is indeed built within a decade from now, maybe we can breathe easier about what happens after that. A space between each apocalyptic tragedy might be being given us in answer to prayers of intercession. Yet the end events of chapter 19 must happen at their fore-ordained time without delay, according to the plan of God the Father, set down by Him in most ancient times. If nothing happens remotely like events of apocalyptic nature in the next decade, be worried, because they will surely happen but they might happen in fast succession with little reprieve in between. At the start of Revelation the events are introduced as things which it behoves to happen rapidly. Yet it will be nice to catch our breath in between them. That is where there is a need for intercession and a latitude in God’s plans for mercy. What then of our lives today?  We can plan out our monthly expenses and ensure we have work so we can afford them, but this does not protect us from getting lured into crime or otherwise ending up doing something that ruins our lives and tips us towards a tragic end. We need to believe in the one sent to save. We need to hold to the teachings and the spirit of this man who died for us on the cross and was raised to live forever. He can keep us out of the traps and misdeeds leading to such a demise, so that we can live. Live a wholesome life. The resurrection is coming.