The significance of the Apocalypse number 666, tattooed on those not fearing God, in the dystopian stages of Apocalyptic end times, is mysterious but one hint is that it is actually in Roman numerals of the first century (before M was used for 1000), all of the numerals in sequence, DCLXVI, 666, from largest to smallest. Roman aspects are strongly associated with the Revelation book of prophecy in the biblical canon of accepted holy books in Christianity, although of course Roman involvement in Christianity has been strong since it began in the first century. It does not paint Roman culture and power in a light which makes them look good, which might be one reason some regional councils of the Churches in the Roman Empire tried to ban it and exclude it from their canon of scripture. Rome’s representative in Judea oversaw and authorised the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and Roman soldiers carried it out, and Rome became associated with the opposite of moral values proclaimed by apostles of Jesus Christ. In the last days, says the Apocalypse, the Book of Revelation, the city on seven hills (a characterising of Rome), is identified as such an evil influence on all of the world that God commands people to get away from it so as not to share in its sins and therefore its plagues of punishment. It is particularly called out for its beguiling medical influences on all the nations and their leaders. So to find that 666 is so strongly linked to Rome’s numerical system should come as no surprise.