USA has kindly hosted many things important for civilisation. It grew to regard this as its role, or part of its role (the part more easy to appreciate). But it seemed to only be supported by notional foundations, by bluff, such as the dollar based on no real valuable asset, and the notion of entitlement. So it seems unlikely to be a long term viable host for the pillars of civilisation. BRICS is looking viable as an alternative. But will it be a willing host of the artefacts and institutions needed for civilisation? That still remains to be seen. And it nows has an axe to grind which might worsen as the USA-aligned nations get ideas about imposing sanctions on anyone in BRICS, a notion they will doubtless entertain eventually if not already. Will BRICS be willing to provide such hosting and institutions for all of civilisation? India and Russia are hinting at preparedness this week with lunar projects for the good of humankind as a whole. Maybe this is a viable alternative to the USA. What we need ideally is a multipolar option where two or more ‘poles’ emerge, perhaps still the USA as one of them. Is there room for more than one at the top? That would require maturity and magnanimity.