
Friday, 31 August 2018

The Son and the Spirit of God

“And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.” — Jesus Christ

The Son of Man made it clear He and the Holy Spirit are truly distinct beings by pointing out the absolute distinction between blaspheming Himself and blaspheming the Holy Spirit. If they were one deity together and one being and one substance then blaspheming Him would actually be blaspheming the Holy Spirit too. But it isn’t. So they’re not the same single being and deity. Ref Matthew 12:31-33.

Monday, 27 August 2018



There is not a heavenly Trinity club or society with three members - if there was then Jesus would have told His disciples so. Everything Jesus did teach them emphasised that He would include them in everything. There was no indication from Him that there was a special group with room for three members only. Those who do the will of God - only these will be saved - so best to only teach what God wants taught.

Sunday, 26 August 2018

Cities of Angels


Could the ancient great cities of Enoch’s time and people actually have been founded by angels?

The Sumerians including Enoch and Noah were apparently using two main words for angelic heavenly beings - Anunna and Anunna-Ki. Anunna meant “sons of God” and the custom of associating a name or word with a city was to add the suffix KI so Anunna-Ki might be Anunna who were associated with a city. Indeed most if not all great cities of the time in Sumer (Iraq and Iran) before the Flood had heavenly beings associated with them just like Jerusalem has long been associated with God. So maybe these cities as ancient writings of Noah’s time claim, were indeed founded by individual angels. In theory this might be why after the Flood people mainly resettlled the same sites as the destroyed cities and built over the flood deposits as archaeology shows with cities like Ur and Shurrapak and Eridu and Nippur. They might have believed only an angel should found a city and the angelic providence assured them to be safe settling in that place. So this might also be why ziggurats (predecessors of pyramidal structures worldwide) were built as temples in cities to house their patron angels because this way the angel would bless its city. So we might have here the origin of national gods - founders of a nation’s main cities and therefore protectors too. This in Israel became denoted by the word Elohim. Only Yahweh was to be Israel’s Elohim. No others before Him. To Enoch this God was known not just as God but as the Lord of Spirits. Perhaps this was the origin of the deity name Enlil meaning Lord Spirit. Later in Israel this might become Lord of Hosts.

Saturday, 25 August 2018

Miss it miss out

You can be in error if you miss out on knowing the Book of Enoch as the Messiah taught:
Matthew 22:29 ‘Jesus replied, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.”’
The next verse shows He meant the Book of Enoch. It is the only scripture that teaches what Jesus said next:
“At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.”

Only the Book of Enoch, of all scriptures known at that time Jesus was speaking, teaches that angels are not meant to marry.

Friday, 24 August 2018

Have faith in God

The Messiah says “Have faith in God” then explains and shows how God acts on our behalf if we speak in faith to command nature and do not doubt. This draws attention to two things in particulat about the Father - His love towards us and His power to reach us and our environment. The Father must have powet and ways and means to immediately hear our words of faith and our prayers of faith in Him. He must have love towards us constsntly to do this. He must have power and love to make our prayers and words of faith come to pass. His name is all about this too - love and power and coning to pass. The Son demonstrates this Himself by the miracles He does by faith in the Father’s love and powet. This faith of the Son results in salvation as His own name expresses. It resulted in Lazarus rising from the dead. And many such things too numerous to mention. Still He works this way today. I’ve seen it and surely many have. Putting into practice His words of assurance leads to doing as He too has done and greater things now He is with the Father. God is looking to have offspring who do the things His Son does so God can call us sons of God.

Wednesday, 22 August 2018


AGENCY - imbued with the characteristics - and aithority - of the one in whose name the agency is sent

John 1:1 everything God was, the Word was

ónoma – name; (figuratively) the manifestation or revelation of someone's character, i.e. as distinguishing them from all others. Thus "praying in the name of Christ" means to pray as directed (authorized) by Him, bringing revelation that flows out of being in His presence. "Praying in Jesus' name" therefore is not a "religious formula" just to end prayers (or get what we want)!
["According to Hebrew notions, a name is inseparable from the person to whom it belongs, i.e. it is something of his essence. Therefore, in the case of the God, it is specially sacred" (Souter).]
 <end quote>

The Son came *in the Father’s name* - so much so He came with all the characteristics of the Father and all of His teachings and His works to do - so He mirrors God - just as in the beginning (John 1:1), when He was the Word, all that God was, He was

... and is, and will be.

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Sidestep the twisted interpretations

The Book of Enoch helps me sidestep some extremely dangerous trinitarian interpretations of scripture by showing more clearly the true interpretations of scriptures which interpret and build on the Book of Enoch. If people change the meaning of the words of Jesus/Yeshua “Except you believe that I am he you will die in your sins” to be trinitarian (saying it means to believe Jesus/Yeshua is God) they lose the true meaning and that leads to fortfeiting salvation. He had just been telling them about the Son of Man so He clearly meant you must believe that He is the Son of Man - the Messiah. If you do not believe that He is the Son of Man you will die in your sins. What is more valuable - 1. being trinitarian but dying in your sins or 2. believing in the Son of Man and being saved from your sins by Him? “If the Son shall make you free you shall be free indeed”.

Little Foxes

“Come Lord Jesus” “Take away for us the little foxes that spoil the vines”
The teachings of Azazel from ancient times when this angel fell and taught humans the weaponry and metal working skills to use metals for personal protective shields and attack and defense weapons such as maces and swords and the teachings persisting among humans in using metal cars and bicycles and guns and knives to protect while cunningly getting the edge on neighbours it is all like foxes that spoil the vines in the vineyard and the Christ will remove these things when He comes in great power and glory.

Sunday, 19 August 2018

The Resurrection and the Life


It was always one thing that God responded to His Son in love by hearing His invocations of God. But to respond without any possible invocation is another more profound indication of love and favour that could only be demonstrated by the Son dying so He cannot call on God then God raising Him from the dead without any invocation.

Saturday, 18 August 2018

A Better Path for Monotheism

Trying to control the narrative of names of God and their meanings is one way many monotheists try to achieve the will of God today but is only second best. The Messiah indeed has power to bring things all under His control and so establish the Kingdom of God. However the better way is that people love God enough to make Him their one god - their entire Elohim. This love was promoted by the Messiah dying on a cross. Proclaiming it helps establish this love in people’s hearts and open their hearts to the Holy Spirit shining into them the knowledge of the nature of God and His holiness.

Friday, 17 August 2018

Confused about God?

Many are confused about what it means to be God or a god. A god is a heavenly being. One heavenly being is higher than all the others and is known for fatherliness. There were cities which made certain heavenly beings their patrons and all such patrons were called the gods of a nation. They recognised one Most High God existed but got confused about which god was supreme. This one supreme God was singled out by Himself as God when in ancient times He commanded the Israelites - descendants of His friend Abraham - to only count Him as national god (Elohim). The Son of Man is the one son of this fatherly supreme God and was so before any other heavenly beings existed so the Son of Man is firstborn. He is therefore a heavenly being - a god - but fully human. He is not the Most High God but is Son (firstborn Son) of the Most High God.

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Before and After

“Before Abraham was born, I am” — Jesus Christ (Gospel of John 8).
If Jesus had only begun life just before His birth, then, when He rose from the dead, how could anyone have strong confidence He would live forever and stay righteous forever? And without such confidence how could anyone trust Him to keep them righteous and alive before His Father forever?

Monday, 13 August 2018


When judgement is in the air and an angel is poised to deliver, say, a fresh bout of ebola to the masses, we who love the believers would say “Wait! The sacrifice of Messiah is for the world and especially the believers! Do not dish out judgement until some sort of protection is distributed to those who deserve protection who are worthy of it. Seal them first!” This is what is going on in heaven and in prayers on earth. When it comes to the severest judgements it will be from Israel only 144,000 sealed but maybe many Gentiles too.

2060 AD

The Book of Enoch chapters 89-90 describe a series of seventy angelic shepherds to whom God handed over Israelites from the time of the Assyrian conquest of Israel up until the present time. It seems likely that the period of each shepherd’s term is forty years which fits with the description of the first 35 terms of rule of these angel shepherds.

The Book of Enoch Chapter 90:1-5 covers terms 35-58 which fits with around 670 AD to 1580 AD: The suffering inflicted on righteous Israelis under Islam and Europe and Russia. 

The Book of Enoch Chapter 90 verses 6-12, beyond 1580 AD and focus on the end of this time in particular leading up to our time and then beyond up to 2060 AD.

The Book of Enoch Chapter 90 verses 13-19 seem to cover the period after the appearance of the great leader, the ram or he-goat, then continuing after that for thirty to forty years, the last term of the seventy, the term of the last angelic shepherd.

Book of Enoch chapter 90 verses 13-19 leads up to the Judgement in chapter 90 verses 20 onwards, so it might be that verse 18 is the second coming of Messiah; possibly verse 15 too.

Seventy forty year terms starting around 730 BC (Assyrian conquests) using Enoch’s 364-day year and converting to our 365.25-day years put the end of these terms at 2060 AD.

Then in further chapters of the Book of Enoch, chapters 93 and 91, Enoch described the plans of God he saw in heaven. Here is how they fit with history:  

Creation of Adam 3940 BC
3940 BC is the start of 'week' 1 (‘week' is 700 364-day years)
Flood c2600-2540 BC
'week' 2 end 2540 BC
Abraham c1900-1850 BC
'week' 3 end 1850 BC
Law c1200-1150 BC
'week' 4 end 1150 BC
Temple completed 500-450 BC
'week' 5 end 450 BC
Ascension between 450 BC and 250 AD
'week' 6 end 250 AD
The Final Judgement between 2940 and 3040 AD (seventh part of 'week' 10)
'week' 10 end 3040 AD

So a 2060 AD coming of Messiah fits very well indeed.

Plans of God seen in Heaven

Timescales of plans of God seen in heavenly places by Enoch the Prophet, Seventh from Adam

Creation of Adam 3940 BC
3940 BC is the start of 'week' 1 (‘week' is 700 364-day years)
Flood c2600-2540 BC
'week' 2 end 2540 BC
Abraham c1900-1850 BC
'week' 3 end 1850 BC
Law c1200-1150 BC
'week' 4 end 1150 BC
Temple completed 500-450 BC
'week' 5 end 450 BC
Ascension between 450 BC and 250 AD
'week' 6 end 250 AD
The Final Judgement between 2940 and 3040 AD (seventh part of 'week' 10)

'week' 10 end 3040 AD

Tuesday, 7 August 2018


This is how I understand the usage of the word Elohim in the scriptures. Originally Enoch (Idris), Noah and everyone religious in their times were probably what is called Tengrists, followers of Tengri, then called Dingri, also called An, later called El. Then idolatry muddied the water and it became normal to ignore the supreme heavenly being (Most High) and make invocations more to other heavenly beings and even to eartly entities too. The gods people worshipped depended where they lived, especially the nearest city and temple because cities and temples had patron heavenly beings. So the divisions of patron worship grew and grew as more cities were founded. A nation might collect all these patron deities of its cities and their temples into a national kind of pantheon - and Elohim - and so these collections were on regional lines. So Egypt had its gods - its Elohim - and Cush had its gods and Ugarit had its gods and Hittites had their gods and there was some overlap though names had regional variations of spelling. These people all still believed one god was supreme but the understanding of which god is supreme was muddled. Usually they just used a name which meant whichever god is supreme - that God. Only later with Abraham and then Moses did the supreme god clarify things by making Himself known.

Cosmic Ripstop

Ripstop is a type of fabric into which are woven intermitten threads of extra-strong material which keep the fabric from tearing and ripping as normal fabric would do. The fabric of the universe was under threat of tearing when angels sinned against their nature and archangels asked to strengthen it using the name of the Lord Jesus the Son of Man the Anointed One, the Salvation of God. So the oath that upholds all things was interwoven with this name and so in this name all things hold together; this name invoked before anything else but God and His firstborn existed.

Saturday, 4 August 2018

The Similitudes


One part of the Book of Enoch is a set of three sections called The Similitudes or The Parables. Fragments of the Book of Enoch found among the Dead Sea Scrolls dating from before and during and after the earthly time of the Messiah do not as yet include any fragments from this section of the Book of Enoch leading some to doubt this section’s true antiquity and authenticity. Yet within this sections is chapter 49 which seems to have been referred to by the Messiah when teaching about the Holy Spirit being like a spring of water (John 7:38 and see also John 4). No scriptures contain such a metaphor except this chapter of the Book of Enoch Parables (Similitudes) section. So this is good evidence of the existence and high regard of this section during the Messiah’s times.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Metals and Colours

The use of metals to protect ourselves which of course endangers others and ultimately endangers everyone including ourselves, and provides a culture in which violence can increase; the use of colourful chemicals to brighten up our lives and overbrighten them which ultimately provides a culture in which promiscuity can increase; these things started around 3300 BC and have continued and increased since then. Archaeology shows all this and it was the background to the original writings found in the Book of Enoch which explains it as the result of Azazel an angel mixing with humans to gain a human wife and teaching things to humans better kept to angels alone. So archaeology backs up these things with evidence from around 3300 BC in Mesopotamia spreading from there. Then the veracity of the account details which passed through the ages is verified by the Messiah, the Son of Man, Jesus preaching teachings consistent with the Book of Enoch and teaching that those writings are Scripture (as evidenced in the Gospel of John 7:38 and the Book of Enoch 49).